Excerpts from Der Ewige Jude (The
Eternal Jew) – a documentary made by the Third Reich to draw attention to
the nature of the enemy within that had been empowered by the Weimar Republic
via the Treaty of Versailles.
The film was first
shown in public on 20 November 1940. It was written by Eberhard Tauber and
directed by Fritz Hippler, who ran the film department in the Propaganda
Ministry of the Third Reich under Joseph Goebbels.
The Eternal Jew
“The Jew is the demon behind the corruption of mankind.” - Richard
Wagner (and yet a quarter of the Nobel Prize winners are Jews because the
Zionists also have all the money).
The Eternal Jew
shows that, in Polish ghettos, even though Jews were filthy rich, they lived in
filth, in “dirty and bug-ridden dwellings.” The reason being, I suppose, that
demons prefer a squalid environment. They have no ideals that they live by and
seldom do any useful work, explains the narrator. They prefer to barter since
trade “suits their character and natural inclination.” According to the film,
the religion of the Jews “makes cheating and usury a duty.” Not among
themselves, however. “For the Jews, then, doing business is something holy.”
The documentary continues:
“For the Jews there's but one thing of value: money. How he gets it makes no difference... He buys and sells, but produces nothing. The production he leaves to the workers and farmers of the host nation. The Jews are people without farmers or workers: a race of parasites. Wherever the body of a nation shows a wound, they anchor themselves and feed on the decaying organism. They make business out of the sickness of the nations, and therefore endeavour to deepen and prolong all conditions of sickness. [subtitled note: “That's how it is in Poland, and was in Germany.”] The Jews have been this way throughout their entire history. Their faces bear the age-old features of the perpetual sponger: the eternal Jew, who in the course of time and worldwide wanderings has always been the same. There's no difference between these Jews in Poland and those in Palestine, thought the two are geographically separated.” - Der Ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew. Written by Eberhard Tauber and directed by Fritz Hippler, 1940).
“For the Jews there's but one thing of value: money. How he gets it makes no difference... He buys and sells, but produces nothing. The production he leaves to the workers and farmers of the host nation. The Jews are people without farmers or workers: a race of parasites. Wherever the body of a nation shows a wound, they anchor themselves and feed on the decaying organism. They make business out of the sickness of the nations, and therefore endeavour to deepen and prolong all conditions of sickness. [subtitled note: “That's how it is in Poland, and was in Germany.”] The Jews have been this way throughout their entire history. Their faces bear the age-old features of the perpetual sponger: the eternal Jew, who in the course of time and worldwide wanderings has always been the same. There's no difference between these Jews in Poland and those in Palestine, thought the two are geographically separated.” - Der Ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew. Written by Eberhard Tauber and directed by Fritz Hippler, 1940).
This type of Jew is
evidently unevolved and the Creator requires that they receive an opportunity
to grow through their interaction with a more civilised race whom, equally, were in a position of needing to clear some karma. Hence, the Zionists sent these
Polish and Russian Jews in droves to live in Germany to help keep the country down. General George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. Third Army (and America’s greatest
combat general of WWII), became Military Governor of Bavaria in April 1945. He was also promoted to full (4-star) general. He commented that these people, whom he referred to as ‘Mongolian
savages’ since that is where they had originated, did not understand toilets and preferred, instead, to “relieve
themselves on the floor” (on the rubbish they would pile into in the corner of a room). He said that this tribe of Judah was “lost to all
decency.” He was disgusted by the demands that German housing be turned over to more than a million 'displaced Jews' because he thought it was criminal to remove civilised families from
their homes, especially to replace them with Jews, “who are lower than animals.”
Patton reluctantly obeyed orders but endeavoured to reduce the severity of denazification, with which he disagreed, which
did not go down too well in Washington. Having announced
his "intention of treating most SS prisoners humanely” (Pierce), Patton had dug his own grave. He may not
have actually been given a chance to do this in the short time he held the post of Military Governor. Media hype
promulgated by Jewish journalists was sufficient to bring down a successful, principled general. When Patton likened SS troops to Democrats back home, he told the journalist(s) not to quote him. “Similarly," writes Pierce, "he expressed his doubts to his military colleagues about the
overwhelming emphasis being placed on the persecution of every German
who had formerly been a member of the National Socialist party.” Indeed, he did not remove all of them, arguing that he needed people in civilian government positions who could maintain the local infrastructure. On 2 September, he wrote in his diary,
"What we are doing is to destroy the only semi-modern state in Europe, so
that Russia can swallow the whole."
“This conviction, that the politicians had used him and the U.S. Army for a criminal purpose, grew in the following weeks. During a dinner with French General Alphonse Juin in August, Patton was surprised to find the Frenchman in agreement with him. His diary entry for August 18 quotes Gen. Juin: ‘It is indeed unfortunate, mon General, that the English and the Americans have destroyed in Europe the only sound country - and I do not mean France. Therefore, the road is now open for the advent of Russian communism.’" - Dr. William L. Pierce (from his newspaper Attack! No. 53, 1977).
After sharing what he had learned, that the war was fought
on behalf of the Jews and that, by contrast, the Germans resembled the French, British,
Italians and Belgians, General Patton was hounded by the Jewish press and spoke to them as courageously and honestly as ever (as, no doubt, they had hoped). In other
words, he realised that the war had been fought against the wrong people and
that, as a result, Europe would become deeply infected with Communism. He
recognised the need to “build Germany up now as a buffer state against Russia,”
which is exactly what the German Reich so honorably fought for. “Let's not give them time to build up their supplies," he warned. "If we do, then...we have had a victory over the Germans and disarmed them, but we have failed in the liberation of Europe; we have lost the war!" In his article, in quotes such as this one can be found, Dr.
William L. Pierce adds: "Patton's urgent and prophetic advice went unheeded by Patterson and the other politicians and only served to give warning about Patton's feelings to the alien conspirators behind the scenes in New York, Washington, and Moscow.” (Attack! No. 53, 1977).
As a result of this conflict, President Eisenhower removed him as Military Governor in Germany which Patton likened to a “sort of executioner to the best race in Europe.” He was offered an admin post on 7 October 1945 commanding a paper army (it did not exist) and resigned a month later. He planned to combat the threat of Communism posed by "those who were destroying the morale and integrity of the Army," as Pierce puts it, "and endangering America's future by not opposing the growing Soviet might." Needless to say, the OSS (which preceded the CIA) had him killed in a car crash in Manheim in December 1945. In fact, according to Target Patton, he was shot at the same time by a marksman named Douglas Bazata. In this book, published in 2008, Robert Wilcox, the NKVD, the forerunner of the KGB, poisoned the general as he was recovering from his injuries. US officials turned a blind eye to this dastardly act in order to keep a lid on the truth.
As a result of this conflict, President Eisenhower removed him as Military Governor in Germany which Patton likened to a “sort of executioner to the best race in Europe.” He was offered an admin post on 7 October 1945 commanding a paper army (it did not exist) and resigned a month later. He planned to combat the threat of Communism posed by "those who were destroying the morale and integrity of the Army," as Pierce puts it, "and endangering America's future by not opposing the growing Soviet might." Needless to say, the OSS (which preceded the CIA) had him killed in a car crash in Manheim in December 1945. In fact, according to Target Patton, he was shot at the same time by a marksman named Douglas Bazata. In this book, published in 2008, Robert Wilcox, the NKVD, the forerunner of the KGB, poisoned the general as he was recovering from his injuries. US officials turned a blind eye to this dastardly act in order to keep a lid on the truth.
“Jews are most
dangerous when permitted to meddle in a people's culture, religion, and art,
and pronounce their insolent judgement on them. The concept of beauty of Nordic
man is incomprehensible to the Jew by nature. And will always remain so. For
the purity and neatness of the German concept of art, the Jew, without roots of
his own, has no feeling. What he calls art must gratify his deteriorating
nerves. The stench of disease must pervade it. It must be unnatural grotesque,
perverse, or pathological. These feverish fantasies of hopelessly sick minds
were once extolled by Jewish art critics of German public life as high artistic
expressions. Today it seems incredible that such pictures were once bought by
nearly all our galleries, but Jewish art dealers and critics praised them as
the only real modern art. German cultural life was niggerised and bastardized.
Painting, architecture, literature, and music suffered as well. For more than a
decade, Jews wielded their profane power. As art dealers, music publishers,
editors, and critics, they decided what would be called art and culture in
Germany. The Jew Kerr, art czar in the Weimar Republic. The Jew Tucholsky, a
wicked pornographer who said that treason is honorable and the heroic ideal is
the stupidest idea. The Jew Hirschfeld, who promoted homosexuality and perversion.
In the guise of scientific discussions, they tried to direct mankind's healthy
urges down degenerate paths. The 'relativity' Jew Albert Einstein,
who masked his hatred of Germans behind his obscure pseudo sciences. The Jew
Kestenberg, controller of German music in the Prussian Ministry of Culture.
The Jew's El Dorado
was the German stage. Here they ruled unchecked, degrading the classical
tradition by appealing to the basest instincts. The Jew Haller and his revue.
The Jew Rotter, who had a monopoly with seven theatres in Berlin, finally
skipping out while millions in debt. The Jewish revue director Robert Klein.
The Jewish stage dictator Max Reinhardt. Most stages were directed by Jews. The
Jewish comedians Ehrich and Morgan. It was no different in the movies. The
Jewish film director Richard Oswald. The comedian Gerron. Jews consider
portrayal of the disreputable and repellent particularly fertile ground for
comic effect. The Jewess Rosa Valetti. The Jew Kurt Boar enjoys a particularly
perverted role. The Jew Kurt Nakuhn extols the 'virtues' of a
depraved officer who doesn't even shrink from committing a murder.
The Jew is
instinctively interested in everything abnormal and depraved. He seeks
possibilities of disrupting a people's healthy judgement. The Jew Peter Lorre
in the role of a child murderer. With the notion that not the murderer, but his
victim, is guilty, normal judgement is twisted by a sympathetic portrayal of
the criminal, to gloss over and excuse the crime. I can feel it, burning within
me. I must go the way that I'm driven. And run, run endless streets. I want to
get away, get away! And with me run their ghosts; they won't leave me alone. I
have to do it. I must.
disproportionately great number of Jews attained prominence in Germany. In
newspapers and newsreels, their Jewish cronies presented them to the public as
German artists. The Jew Richard Tauber left for New York, and was mourned as an
alleged loss for German art. The Jew Ernst Lubitsch was hailed as a German film
producer. 'I'm very glad to be back in Germany, and especially my home
town, Berlin.' The Jew Emil Ludwig Cohn was honoured as a German writer. ‘An
author can do nothing better today than carry the German name abroad with honour.’
The Jew Charlie Chaplin was welcomed by an enraptured crowd when he visited
Berlin. [Actually Chaplin was not Jewish] Then of the German public acclaimed the newcomer Jew. A deadly enemy.
How could this happen? The phony dogma of human equality had tricked the
healthy instinct of the nation. Centuries of religious upbringing had taught
European Christians to regard Jews as fellow founders of the Christian
religion. Benevolent German painters and poets idealised the Biblical figures
of Hebrew tribal history. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were considered pillars of
the highest morality and human nobility. But we know now that the Hebrews of
the Bible couldn't have looked like this. We must correct our historical view.
Here's what real Hebrews look like. The following is a Jewish Purim festival,
filmed by Warsaw Jews for their own use as a culture film. This
harmless-looking family celebration commemorates the slaughter of 75,000 anti-Semitic
Persians by Biblical ancestors of our Jews of today. The Bible reports that 'The next day the Jews rested, and made the day one of feasting, joy, and
gift giving. They decided that these two days, Purim. Should be thereafter
remembered by their children's children, forever.'
Educated Germans,
objective and tolerant, regard such tales as just folklore and strange customs.
But that's the race of Israel, still rubbing its hands over its feast of
revenge. Even when dressed in the Western European clothes in which today's
Israelites hide their murderous nature.”
- Der Ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew. Written by Eberhard
Tauber and directed by Fritz Hippler, 1940).
Austrian postcard image, 1919, of a Jew stabbing a German WWI soldier in the back. Forget what the history books say. It's bullshit 'atrocity propaganda.' International Jewry were at war with Germany because the nation was too strong for them to control. Germany stood in the way of the Jewish Supremacists' ambition for global domination because Germany fought for Europeans against the enemy that had ruled and oppressed Britain, for instance, for a thousand years and sent British soldiers off to war like obedient slaves. Hence two world wars. And of course the Satanic Jews accused the Germans of everything they themselves were guilty of because that is how they operate, through deceit and vilification. That is what 'anti-Semitism' is all about. It is a 'trick,' as former Israeli minister Shulamit Aloni admitted. The true Semites are the Palestinians not the Jews, most of whom are Ashkenazis who originally hail from tribes in Mongolia
General George Smith Patton, the toughest and most successful commander
in the U.S. Army during World War II, learned the truth about that war
and tried to warn America. He was the sort of honest, straightforward,
fearless man who has always been hated and feared by the devious
conspirators behind the scenes of power politics. Patton was killed
before he could publicly arouse American opposition to the conspirators,
and then they began weeding other leaders of his quality from the U.S.
armed forces and replacing them with shabbos goyim, ambition-motivated careerists without honor or scruple who would do what they were told and keep their mouths shut.

Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of the Treasury (1934–1945) and a top
adviser to President Roosevelt, formulated the notorious “'Morgenthau
Plan' for the postwar destruction of Germany. Inspired by a Talmudic
hatred for the Germans, who had dared to lift their hands against 'God’s
Chosen People,' Morgenthau’s scheme called for the total destruction of
Germany’s industry and natural resources and for starving 30,000,000
Germans to death. Thus, Morgenthau hoped for a Jewish revenge against
the Germans and the simultaneous delivery of Europe to his Marxist
brethren in Moscow. Fortunately, Patton’s 1945 warnings finally took
hold, and in 1947 the Morgenthau Plan was scrapped.
The Wagner Hitler Loved
The Wagner Hitler Loved
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