By Antraeus Voltage, 2006
[Note: This essay was originally a chapter in one of my political books]
'Eidolon - The Poppy Garden' by Marcin Owczarek, 2009 (homage to western culture war machines)
'Eidolon - The Poppy Garden' by Marcin Owczarek, 2009 (homage to western culture war machines)
Identification with the External World
Ramala Source ends a chapter on ‘Education for the New Age’ with the following
message: “If I could leave you with one final thought it would be that the
greatest service that you can do to Humanity, the greatest service that you can
do to your world, to your Planet, to your Creator, is to educate yourself.” (Ramala,
purpose of education is surely to help students to understand things for
themselves, to explore and express their own individual potential rather than settling
for a list of authorities on each subject. Current systems rarely if ever encourage
people to consider that they themselves are quite capable of creative input and
contributing original ideas or modes of thought. The ‘educated elite,’ with
their institutionally-recognised degrees and PhDs, would doubtless argue that
you cannot be an authority on a subject until you have read and memorised everything
that the ‘authorities’ in the field have written. By then, however, you are probably
way past having any ideas of your own.
is how a Patriarchal System survives. It promotes or enforces dependency on the
‘powers that be.’ Individuals then secure power in society by identifying with
established traditions - or the slanted or corrupted form that is asserted as
being the established or superior truth since the masculine principle does not
concern itself with the past but only with the identity that is most powerful
and compelling now. Patriarchy, in particular, relies upon tension and division
for its existence. Its orientation is ego-identification. It is a culture of
egoism, of finite, but physical, external self-awareness. Identifying with the
physical ego and acting on its immediate demands, perhaps fuelled by reaction
to circumstances or competition with others, is not living in the Now. It is
finding an excuse to do rather than be and to identify subjectively with
what we do rather than express what we are (which can also, paradoxically, then
be described as ‘you are what you do’!). Living in the here and now is not the
same as living for the moment with reckless abandon. The former is the way to
life and freedom whereas the latter leads to trouble and even an early grave.
being present in the Now requires letting go of external scenarios and
projections of mind and, in that stillness, knowing the deeper presence of the
eternal Self to some degree. One observes the mind, being its source: ”So once
you recognise the root of unconsciousness as identification with the mind,
which of course includes the emotions, you step out of it. You become present.
When you are present, you can allow the mind to be as it is without getting
entangled in it. The mind in itself is not dysfunctional. It is a wonderful
tool. Dysfunction sets in when you seek your self in it and mistake it for who
you are. It then becomes the egoic mind and takes over your whole life...The
eternal present is the space within which your whole life unfolds, the one
factor that remains constant. Life is now. There was never a time when your
life was not now, nor will there ever be...the Now is the only point that can
take you beyond the limited confines of the mind. It is your only point of
access into the timeless and formless realm of Being.” (Tolle, p.40-41).
ego is a superficial state of identity which takes whatever is immediately
apparent externally for reality. One might as well be a ghost, unconscious and
dead, if one accepts that the physical now is one’s reality. One becomes fodder
for social disorder and contributes nothing of one’s true Being. “As long as
the egoic mind is running your life,” explains Exkhart Tolle, “you cannot truly
be at ease; you cannot be at peace or fulfilled except for brief intervals when
you obtained what you wanted, when a craving has just been fulfilled. Since the
ego is a derived sense of self, it needs to identify with external things. It
needs to be both defended and fed constantly. The most common ego
identifications have to do with possessions, the work you do, social status and
recognition, knowledge and education, physical appearance, special abilities,
relationships, personal and family history, belief systems, and often also political,
nationalistic, racial, religious, and other collective identifications. None of
these is you.” (ibid, p.37).
we identify with the body and with emotional and subconscious patterns, we
think we are in the now but we are actually caught up in the past or the
future. We are obscuring the purity of the present moment with hopes, fears and
expectations. When we are fully conscious and realise, as Tolle says, that
thinking is only a small portion of consciousness, we are afforded an objective
relationship with life, time, consciousness and the world. We can act
objectively as our true Selves. We are no longer obscuring our essential Being
with finite identity or habitual subconscious patterns of thought and
behaviour. The egoic mind, says Tolle, “is a deep-seated sense of lack or
incompleteness, of not being whole...people will often enter into a compulsive
pursuit of ego-gratification and things to identify with in order to fill this
hole they feel within.” (ibid, p.37). He points out that, “The mind always
seeks to deny the Now and to escape from it” (ibid, p.26), and asks, “Why does
the mind habitually deny or resist the Now? Because it cannot function and
remain in control without time, which is past and future, so it perceives the
timeless Now as threatening. Time and mind are in fact inseparable.” (ibid,
thoughts have power over us, says Eckhart Tolle, because we energise them by
identifying with the mind. The ‘powerlessness of now’ is, of course, our escape
from the Now. We lose ourselves in the illusion of time when, if we were simply
aware, we would realise that there is a powerful presence within us that is a
source of love, happiness, confidence and peace. We “feel,” as Tolle puts it, “a
subtle emanation of joy arising from deep within: the joy of Being.” (ibid,
p.16). When we are fully present in the Now, we centre ourselves in “that
intensely alive state that is free of time, free of problems, free of thinking,
free of the burden of the personality.” (ibid, p.42). “To stay present in
everyday life,” Tolle counsels, “it helps to be deeply rooted within yourself;
otherwise, the mind, which has incredible momentum, will drag you along like a
wild river.” (ibid, p.78). He defines being ‘rooted within yourself’ as meaning
“to inhabit your body fully. To always have some of your attention in the inner
energy field of your body. To feel the body from within, so to speak. Body
awareness keeps you present. It anchors you in the Now.” (ibid, p.78).
The Education of Fear
education, more than ever, has us believe that commercial interests are of the
greatest importance in society. In a more enlightened age, however, spiritual
study is recognised as having the most importance. Contemplating the conditions
in which we find ourselves may inspire positive intent and create improvement
through non-action. Civil War or anarchic activism are not the answer. Greater
awareness is.
am still mourning the demise of SIS (The School For Independent Study), the
college I attended. This special little branch of experimental study enjoyed a
degree of independence from the orthodox system. It accommodated unconventional
individuals who have a passion for a particular subject or area of study. The
college had been founded in the free-thinking Seventies and, like many other
things, had been tolerated during the Conservative ‘Thatcher years’ in England
because it was relatively harmless. Political and economic changes in the UK,
however, led to a tightening up of the system. The book was closed on ideas that
encourage individuality, love, originality and diversity and develop a
dimension of mental and material freedom, particularly for young people. Like a
lost continent that is gradually being forgotten just as Atlantis was. That was
the subject I proposed for my final year (Atlantology) and it was rejected
because, by then, orthodox colleges had stripped it down to conventional
standards of diversity.
cause of the current commercial and vocational emphasis of education is quite
clearly rooted in fear. That is just the way the System likes it. Welcome to
the Machine! Entire generations of arch-Capitalists are cashing in on this new
wave of oppression, which is so sophisticated that people do not know they are
being conditioned to live and work to prescribed formulae. They have a vested
interest in maintaining restriction and ignorance in society, turning the
education system into a production line of unsuspecting youngsters that will
develop materialistic values, not so much for their own benefit, but for those
hoarders who stand to gain from their identification with the System.
‘Yuppies’ who heralded the birth of a new aristocracy (I suppose I am
exaggerating; I mean the new members of the middle classes generally) do not
covet education in order to preserve power for their own as their predecessors
did. They dilute it because they were never part of the privileged elite who
were encouraged to express their full potential as individual identities.
Confidence and self-esteem are our natural birthright but they have been
discouraged in the masses. This is so that the privileged few could remain in
control and keep power and wealth to themselves. We are moving in the right
direction if more individuals are finding their feet in terms of self-confidence.
However, this is still largely dependent on external affairs. The previous
aristocracy derived power from its class identity for distinction from the
common masses. The new elite - the nouveau
riche, who can also purchase a title
if they so desire - rely on the materialist mindset to sustain people’s
interest and attention and keep the System alive.
ban on fox hunting, the blood sport of the rich, and the scrapping of peerage
by birthright to disqualify would-be political forces from entering parliament
simply because they represent the ruling class of the aristocracy, certainly
seems like a step in the right direction. But they are not the only people from
whom we need the power supply to be disconnected. Rather than simply doing away
with the old order, we need people to create a new one, a progressive model
that serves all people individually. Alas, the roots are too deep to pull up. Consequently,
the same old fear and exploitation trap remains even when the roots are cut. We
make the best of it by accepting the System as it is and conforming to it at
the expense of our dignity and self-confidence.
here in England are generally patient and responsible (humbled and oppressed
too) and try not to take things too seriously. We drink too much to compensate.
We should expect the best from life and I do not mean simply in terms of
protective material benefits! I mean that we should express our full potential
as individual identities, centre ourselves in our own conscious will and feel
our inner joy and love and share it with others. There is so much to explore
and understand in life and we deserve better than to be shuttled along on the
System’s production line like cogs on the Wheel of Vocation. As some guy
explained to his colleague at the table next to mine the other day in a bar,
‘If you have to go into work and do the same old shit, it’s boring!’
The Status of Elitism
are not snobby, our new oppressors; they have simply identified with the
Capitalist system completely and expect everyone else to. [This was written a year
or two before I learned about the Global Elite behind the personalities we see
representing the System in the media] They have little sympathy for anyone who
cannot breathe in such a stifling and artificial environment. This is a form of
Yuppy socialism! [aka Neoliberalism] Society has shifted to the right and,
instead of shifting back towards the left, it has decided that we should all be
Yuppies together, plastic pawns in the game of political chess.
advertising, soap operas, reality TV, lifestyle programmes like house
makeovers, property shows, police and hospital sitcoms, crime expositions, game
shows for cash prizes and more bad news? We love it, please give us some more!
This game of chess is not like scrabble in which one can either spell or not;
that is, having inherited the Norman codes of etiquette and language or not.
Everyone has to play whether they have money and power or not.
kings, queens, bishops and knights of this world never question their superior
positions in the material scheme of things because they think that we all have
equal opportunities. They feel justified in enjoying their privileges. Whereas
the former aristos lived in denial of my existence, the new ones condemn me
equally, telling me that it is my fault I am unable to get on in the world.
Competition can be worse than domination! ‘I win you lose, therefore you are
doomed to suffer while I enjoy my winnings, slurp’ instead of ‘I exist and you
don’t, oink’ - you are either in or out - which can actually add the advantage
of freedom to a position of poverty. No one bothers about you or hassles you
whereas, nowadays, the opportunists want everybody to join in the fun and games
which are designed for their amusement. Whereas, before, I was able to survive
outside the system, now I struggle to live on the edge of it, or half-in and
half-out. One is either in or out, enriched or kept in a state of poverty by
the system, or else out on the streets.
is good; sharing is also good and keeps energy and wealth in circulation for
the good of the whole. If one receives yet does not give, one remains
unfulfilled and seeks to receive more and more, believing that this will bring
fulfilment. It is in giving, however, that we appreciate what we have, enjoy
what we receive, and make purposeful use of the supply for the good of
ourselves and the world.
That’s another fine loony bin you’ve admitted me to Stanley!
are being fattened up and fed to the lions, my friends! And, while we eat, we
are told that we, too, are lions, that we are to share in the material benefits
of Capitalism, that no one suffers so it may thrive, and that world poverty is
due to the actions of the past not those of the present ‘powers that be’ who
are doing all they can to bring peace to the world! And, yet, perhaps, in some
way they are. Perhaps it is this very dreaming, this ridiculous escapism, that
is cushioning us from the horrors of other parts of the world and which soothe
those troubles to some extent. Perhaps we needed a stronger dream to get off
on, to counter our own morbid cynicism and distrust of life and other people.
Or, maybe we swallowed the drugs prescribed for us by pharmaceutical companies.
Maybe we went with the dreams fed into our minds by the dream corporations.
Maybe we simply did not know the truth and were scared of finding that our
whole lives have been a lie and that we fallen ‘hook, line and sinker’ for a
belief system that would not look out of place in a lunatic asylum! ‘If you
don’t buy things you’re ill,’ says Jeffrey (Brad Pitt) in the surreal sci-fi
fantasy Twelve Monkeys (Terry
Gilliam, 1995). If you do not follow the rules and identify with the consumer
society, you are nuts.
are many who would say that the opposite is true. “Carl Jung,” reports Tolle,
“tells in one of his books of a conversation he had with a Native American
chief who pointed out to him that in his perception most white people have
tense faces, staring eyes, and a cruel demeanour. He said: ‘They are always seeking
something. What are they seeking? The whites always want something. They are
always uneasy and restless. We don’t know what they want. We think they are
mad.’” (Tolle, p.62-63). Yet, as the psychiatrist (Billy Crystal) in Analyse This (Harold Ramis, 1999) says,
“I’m redefining weird on an hourly basis.” He later concludes that nothing is
weird and that there is no harm in many of the human expressions that
patriarchal society considers off limits. A far cry from the days of the Puritans,
who considered rituals like making Christmas pudding (pagan method combined
with Christian symbolism) a ‘lewd’ custom. According to Metro, they even banned it. (Metro,
16 December 2005, p.3).
you disagree with the powers that be, of course, you become a threat and
subject to the projections of the violent that you are dangerous, or the insane
that you are out of your mind. It is important that you be seen to be angry,
aggressive, irrational, or unstable so they persecute you until you crack or
flare up, all the while overlooking their own abominable behaviour. Again, such
people cannot afford to be conscious. For Phaedrus, writes Pirsig, “The hardest
thing to deal with was the righteousness of the sane. When you’re in agreement
with the sane they’re a great comfort and protection, but when you disagree
with them it’s another matter. Then they’re dangerous. Then they’ll do
anything. The sinister thing that struck the most fear in him was what they’d
do in the name of kindness...He saw
that the sane always know they are good because their culture tells them so.
Anyone who tells them otherwise is sick, paranoid, and needs further treatment.
To avoid that accusation Phaedrus had had to be very careful of what he said
when he was in the hospital. He told the sane what they wanted to hear and kept
his real thoughts to himself.” (Pirsig, p.372-373).
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Chief
Bromden thanks McMurphy for the Juicy Fruit after being silent - playing dumb -
all the time he has been in the nut-house. McMurphy asks the ‘half-breed
Indian,’ who is usually seen hiding cagily behind his mop, if he is just
waiting for the moment to strike out at his captives. “’You are bigger and
tougher than I am. You can do it.’ ‘Me? Are you kidding? Criminy, look at you:
you stand a head taller’n any man on the ward. There ain’t a man here you
couldn’t turn every way but loose, and that’s a fact!’ ‘No. I’m way too little.
I used to be big, but not no more. You’re twice the size of me.’ ‘Hoo boy, you
are crazy, aren’t you?...I swear you’re the biggest Indian I ever saw.’”
(Kesey, p.205). The chief warns McMurphy that ‘they got to bust him’ now
because they can see that he is big: “’They don’t bust you that way; they work
on you ways you can’t fight! They put things in! They install things. They
start as quick as they see you’re gonna be big and go working and installing
their filthy machinery when you’re little, and keep on and on till you’re fixed!...I’m
not saying they kill. They didn’t kill him. They did something else.’” (ibid,
The Power of Integrity
System requires willing victims. In Britain’s imperial past, war was an
opportunity for the rich to grow richer while the poor were sent off to fight
and heavy taxation meant that they had little choice in the matter if they
wanted to work to support their families for another month, or another year,
before they were finally killed in action. The System is again tightening the
reins on the people but, with the death of the British Empire, it is unable to
forcibly recruit men into the army. The world no longer tolerates imperial
expansion, or not that of a tiny but audacious island off the coast of Europe,
even if it did once have an empowering quality and represented the Druids’
power-base in a former age. Just when we were beginning to celebrate freedom of
expression for all, the exploration of individual potential in all classes of
society, opportunism has struck again. And, it’s not looking good.
we are subjected to bland ideas and the oppressive weight of mediocrity. Talent
shows, for example, now exist for those who are naturally untalented to try and
mimic artists who enjoyed popularity in a creative phase of our national
history, an energy and imagination that has faded and which fewer people are
now able to tap into. If you cannot sing, don’t go on the television and sing
because they might just buy it and yet more dross will be churned out of the
media. Guard your integrity, however much is offered in terms of ‘fame and
fortune.’ Originality is coming out in the wash and being drained away. This
country is now a platform for anyone to grow by gaining experience. It no
longer recognises quality or class and can no longer tell the difference
between inspiration and slushy baby food. People appear to be expressing their
potential in all but the direction where their potential actually lies; in
other words, the absence of it. The ‘lager lout’ who expresses national pride
and follows his adopted football team around like a little brat holding his
mother’s hand is unable, or unwilling, to see what a ‘big girl’s blouse’ he
really is!
who do not develop strong individual identities turn their attention towards
the infant terrible, the subconscious, and take an interest in its compelling
momentum of subjective instincts as if the child is the adult and the adult is
the child. We live in a world where the kids control the parents, and where the
parents are children themselves. The subconscious spits its food out and throws
it on the floor. It screams when it feels the slightest discomfort and throws
tantrums when it does not get its own way. It scatters its toys all around the
house and never cleans up after itself, unable to take responsibility for
itself or its actions and relies upon others to look after it, to entertain it,
to change its nappies and comfort it. It charms us with its innocence and
feeling of wholeness, engaging our emotions.
the child, we are concerned with our immediate needs and we feel insecure
because we know very little about ourselves and the world and have yet to stand
on our own two feet, express our potential, develop our will and
self-confidence. This is what the physical ego is: an identity that is based
upon subconscious responses to the temporal world of matter and relates to the
world through the tempestuous and volatile wind and rain of this conditioning.
Life is reduced to a series of habits. The ego’s personality derives emotional
energy from reflecting patterns of life experience into which collective
thought energy has been invested (just like an orthodox religion).
next stage of the production line, then, is indoctrination via emotional
engagement. The subconscious naturally seems to be more concerned with others
than self-awareness which is why people so readily project onto others whilst
denying their own weaknesses. The soul, as a drop of consciousness, a blank
slate, is more familiar with oneness and seems naturally inclined to belong to
a group consciousness like an animal’s soul. It responds to others’ needs and emotional
expression. It reflects their patterns of behaviour and responses to life
situations and relationships like a mirror, receiving impressions and sharing
its own reactions.
feeds demand. The soap opera, which feeds us with impressions from other
peoples’ lives, in the form of dramatic scenarios with a basis of day-to-day
‘normality,’ engages the emotions, as do sentimental films. Sports competitions
and violent thrillers feed the physical ego’s desire for action and for winning
in physical activities. One switches off from one’s own reality and neither
learns about one’s true Self nor enriches one’s consciousness. The unconscious
mind dominates the conscious identity because energy is invested into the
illusory outer circle of the wheel of life and consciousness while little input
is given to increasing one’s awareness of the eternal Self at the hub. Ideally,
the latter should be increased and the former decreased until one realises that
one is really a spirit experiencing various phenomena in the temporal world of
matter. One can then observe all that occurs and all that one does with the
body with a balanced perspective. In other words, we need to give as much
attention to our spiritual nature - our positive power, joy and love - as we
can (but without being fanatical).
his book The Philosophy of Magic,
Arthur Versluis refers to an analogical text instructing the alchemist to kill
and skin a serpent, and then grind the skin to a powder which, when held in
one’s hand, will make one invisible. Versluis translates the passage
accordingly: “‘the snake’ is a reference to the mercurial ego, which must be
killed and skinned - that is, its illusory nature exposed, after which it is
ground to a powder (its habit energy broken down). It then must be held in the
hand - that is, the power released must infuse daily life and be controlled.”
(Versluis, p.94). This, incidentally, was the first esoteric book I ever read.
It ‘blew my mind,’ as they say!
Society versus Individual
society is the parent and the individual is the child. Society does not want us
to grow up and there are two ways to prevent it. The way of the East, at least
in its patriarchal form, is to control people with discipline and not tolerate
individual expression or development so that everyone conforms to conventional
standards of thought and behaviour, even dress. The structure of society is so
encoded into people’s minds from a young age that consciousness in most
countries in the East is more collective-oriented. The vast majority of people
abide by the rules and respect the customs practised by their parents, peers
and ancestors. One thinks of others before oneself and, even if one thinks of
oneself, one cannot act freely for long because such behaviour is out of synch
with the whole and people are not likely to be sympathetic. Each person
represents the threat of punishment whether through fear or respect for this
inhibiting but mature and responsible manner of living. The wisdom developed in
ages past underlies all changes and disruption in society’s political
structure, however radical. It is preserved through tradition and this provides
people with opportunities for spiritual practice.
emphasis on society is stifling to individual expression outside of
conventional paths while, in the West, much energy is wasted on individualistic
desires. People are divided because consciousness and culture are fragmented.
Most opportunities here appear to result from ignorance! But, that is precisely
what enables people to express their power individually. The individual can
compete and make his or her own way through life whether it leads to
enlightenment or ruin, which is often at the expense of others too. He has only
to be indifferent to the flavours of consumerism, get used to or even acquire a
taste for them.
reminds me of an interview I once had with the multi-millionaire director of an
insurance company. He told me that, after a stint as a builder when he left
school, he ruthlessly sold insurance to thousands of gullible people who did
not need it. He reckoned that I would be more likely to take interest in their
problems and trying to help them. I disagreed because I could feel my own
personal power surfacing in response. I then admitted defeat and smiled,
explaining that I had spent most of my time exploring the meaning of life,
which I also found most rewarding. I implied that, if he had any sense, he
would do exactly that once he retired. It just depends on how much of an
ego-trip he was on since he must surely have invested much of his identity into
being the man with the money, power and material success.
way of the West is to spoil individuals so that they become dependent on
society for sweets and toys. Thus, as long as they do as they are told and
please the parents by going to school and doing their sums, that is, doing a
job that keeps the Capitalists happy, one’s efforts (and stress) are rewarded.
They can afford to buy cars, furniture, holidays, handbags, gadgets, as much
football and sitcom viewing as they can consume, evenings in smoky, noisy bars
where they cannot hear anyone talk but where they can wear their trendy new
shoes, and all of this for their children too, and mortgages and credit card
bills, that keep their will and mind locked into a course programmed for all by
the System. Human souls are like helpless satellites orbiting a planet, a
physical ego, rather than planets orbiting the one Sun which is the true Self.
this way, the individual enjoys a degree of freedom and yet is kept in a puerile
condition of ignorance. He or she is therefore unable, or disinclined, to make
good use of free time. It is customary to use that time to wind down, to
recover from the tension of living a lie that pulls us away from our true Self.
People sink into their subconscious minds as much as possible because all their
energy has been invested into sustaining the identity of a company or nation.
We live in this vicious circle from the moment we wake to the moment we retire
at night, never managing to break the cycle by recognising our individual power
as eternal Beings, as God, affirming our positive will and expressing it
creatively. Most people are not even aware that this is the case and would be
killing themselves with laughter if they were reading this! I can think of
worse ways to go!
one cannot afford to turn away from the Grand Illusion that drives us to
Distraction and consider alternatives. It not only seems futile because it is
too late to change one’s life now but it also reminds one just how discontent
with one’s lot one really is. That would take some getting used to, facing the
reality, and yet one might find a sense of liberation through the truth...after
some years of anguish, developing inner strength and struggling to establish a
new path, however. The individual feels like a shuttle that has left the mother
ship and is not only attacked by it but also forced into tactical manoeuvres to
avoid pesky Klingon warships that relish easy prey!
Roast Outlaw
of this guarantees that the cattle will continue grazing in the field and, when
the time comes that the government needs their vote, they can be easily
manipulated and led to the slaughterhouse on a rope. It requires a passion for
truth and courage to examine oneself and one’s life to venture beyond that
fence. One can just imagine the cow edging its way towards the side of the
field very slowly, pausing to graze and ‘act natural,’ chomping and crapping
and flicking its tail. It is not the farmer it fears so much as the herd. There
is always someone to ‘grass’ us up or attack us if we are not grazing with the
others! ‘Moooo,’ translated: ‘just seeing what the grass tastes like over here
- ew, splutter - I’m not sure about that, needs more fertiliser and gnat’s
piss.’ Then, as if by magic, and with a bit of luck, ‘Geromino!’ The cow makes
it through the gap in the boundary fence it has had its eye on for so long and
legs it into the woods. If only living in truth and freedom were that easy. The
poor cow needs to fend for itself in the wilds. It may not be able to find any
decent shelter or enough food to eat. It could even be stuck in a small copse
for life because it is surrounded by farming land and, if caught, it will be
recognised by its brand and sent back to its owner.
we gradually need to establish is a new civilisation comprising individuals who
are expressing their full potential, cattle that have left the herd and are
strong enough to live alone. The identity must become complete so that it
overflows with the joy and love of the Self, like a Sun. Thus, the limitations
of both dependency and independence are overcome. The masculine power within
opens to shine in relation to the feminine world without. Harmony prevails
because neither is sacrificed for the other. Most who resist being dependent on
society for their identity appear to gather ‘on the rebound,’ forming or
joining a new little herd. Many a revolutionary, so-called anarchic or
alternative group, has been no more than a clique that does not recognise true
individuality and finds it threatening to the outward appearances and beliefs
it is attached to. When, finally, the individual orientation that is prevalent
in the West - and spreading further afield - naturally opens up to the wisdom
that has been retained to a degree in the East, or the individual opens to
realise the spiritual wholeness within him or her-self, society can blossom and
a Golden Age can dawn.
am neither for celebrating the gifts of the chosen few nor celebrating the
equality of talentless mediocrity in the masses. It feels like I was once
admiring the beauty being expressed by certain flowers of identity as they
matured without realising that the soil was ridden with weeds with their own
aggressive agenda for world domination! Now the garden is overrun with them and
nothing that is truly original and inspiring can grow until someone takes a
garden fork and turns it over. We appear to live in a culture of imitation with
ageing pop stars even copying their younger selves when they thrived during more
creative times.
bullshitting people the only way to survive independently in this kind of
culture? Are ignorance and corruption the only means to power in a world where
people have only ever really been able to amass wealth through the spoils of
war and exploitative industry. Someone always seems to have to be sacrificed
for others to live. The ritual sacrifices of ancient times were nothing
compared to the number of people who are sacrificed in the modern world that
the few can enjoy comfort and explore life’s potential. Now, perhaps apart from
oil, it is not soldiers who steal for a country but corporate employees using
trade and communication to make money. Would it not be preferable to educate
and empower people with universal truth? Oh, do beg my pardon, we haven’t
reached that stage yet. We are still stuck on Christianity and science, or is
it Christian Science? I do get confused with it all.
Self-esteem and Self-control
is a basic right of each individual on the planet and, until this has been
encouraged the world over, we will have one foot stuck in the swamp of the Dark
Ages. First, we must clear up all the self-defeatism, narrow-mindedness and
conditioned expectations. People’s confidence must be built up so that they
believe in themselves. They are then more likely to act objectively rather than
out of fear, to be true to themselves rather than reacting blindly
(subconsciously) to circumstances. Education is a starting point: individuals
ought to use and exercise their mental faculties at least as much as they do
their physical bodies. Humanity must work towards the ideal of applying will
over emotion, of self-control and taking responsibility for power, both
individually and collectively. Too many people dread having power and wealth
for the very reason that they have not yet done sufficient work on developing
is the motivation for this self-control? Not the greed and ambition that so
often motivates the middle and upper classes and often pushes them over the edge.
The pressures of trying to impress one’s peers with grandiose ambition,
exploitative opportunism and unbridled power are the result of a fire coveted
by those born to rule and expected to maintain power by contributing to the
empire individually. This is preferable to doing nothing and not exploring
one’s potential. On a higher, more refined level, however, as one shines
individually, without identifying with an external class or cult, the flame of
the Self rises to increase the creative power of the collective universe. It is
not confined even to this world.
Communist Party’s identity gives it power over its predecessors and becomes the
will of the people, who have only to know that the revolution was a success and
that the inequalities of the past have been abandoned victoriously. Since
people are fed on lies and information is sparse, however, only a handful of
people truly benefit from that power. There are no special educational
facilities to breed a ruling class even. Clearly, knowledge is power and the
empowerment of the individual must begin with education lest we spawn entire
generations of thugs. Empowering the uneducated is asking for trouble. It is
awareness we should be promoting now as we set sail for the Age of Air.
it healthy to give a fortune to an uneducated rogue like the hellraiser Michael
Carroll who won a £9.7 million fortune on the National Lottery at the age of 19
while wearing an electronic tag? During his days as a dustman, he had only his
mouth and body to annoy people with. Now he is a wealthy thug who is
terrorising a neighbourhood with loud noise, all-night banger-racing sessions
and a ‘fuck you’ attitude. Snobs can be yobs, too, of course, and junkies like
the seventh Marquess of Bristol, who squandered the £7 million family fortune
on heroine and cocaine. They are able to look around at their cultural role
models, however, and, at least at some point, see the importance of
self-discipline and develop a sense of responsibility to prevent themselves and
others from degradation. The most influential people around Carroll were drug
dealers. There were no positive influences around him to show him how he could
use his money wisely.
in Britain lack a positive, creative and constructive focus because they are so
used to narrowing their self-esteem and expectations. They swing blindly from
obeying those in authority in the work place and conforming to approved rituals
for getting excited and having a good time. It is rarely their own idea of
positive action. Their motivation is still dependent on external sources.
people dream of winning the lottery, they usually seem to think of all the
holidays, fast cars, houses, wild parties and orgies they will be able to enjoy.
Such a waste when you think what wonders could be created whether directly or
indirectly improving life on this planet for everyone. Apparently, Carroll has
blown £7 million on sex and drugs and the like for himself and his mates
although some money was given to family members soon after his win in November
2002. He says, after his wife left him, taking their daughter with her to
Belfast, he felt miserable and there were drug dealers around him saying, ‘Try
some, try some.’ They got him hooked on crack cocaine to rob him of his
fortune. The high would only last for 20 seconds and it was followed by such an
awful low that he would soon be back on the phone telling the dealer to come
back with more drugs. He has now kicked the habit but, apart from owning four
properties in Norfolk which are worth about £1.5 million, he has just £500,000
left in the bank. One wonders if he is learning to be more humble and
down-to-earth and if his new relationship with a Little Chef waitress has
caused him to kick the habit of hurling Big Macs at strangers in the street. (Regrettably,
this information was taken from The Sun,
1 September 2005, p.12-13).
it is time to learn from the mistakes of the past and realise that simply
handing power over to people who will abuse it is what keeps our world in such
a state of instability and imbalance. Dictators, in particular, are the last
people we want to empower, or ‘prop up.’ The world is still dominated by those
who do not think. In some nations, people are freer to think that in others.
They just do not have power...yet. We cannot all hope to have equal power but
we can expect to have equal awareness. Then, it does not matter whose flame
rises higher than others’ since our collective awareness enables us to see the
fire for what it is: the fire of Being, the Source of each individual.
Conscious awareness is the solution to conflict and imbalance. The fire then
moves freely and fully to fill the space and people’s minds are elevated to a
higher frequency of self-awareness, beyond the purely physical. Free Your Mind...And Your Ass Will
Follow, as the title of George Clinton’s 1970 song goes.
the Stoic philosopher Epictetus (55-135 AD) said: “Only the educated are free.”
One might add that those who manage to stay intelligent despite their formal
education are also free. Epictetus was born a Phrygian slave in that part of
started out as a slave in boyhood and became a freedman, albeit hampered by
lameness and ill health. So, his words are those of a former slave/prole...
education, he believed, consists in recognising that there is only one thing
that belongs to an individual fully - his will, or purpose. God, acting as a
good king and father, has given each being a will that cannot be compelled or
thwarted by anything external. Men are not responsible for the ideas that
present themselves to their consciousness, though they are wholly responsible
for the way in which they use them. ‘Two maxims,’ Epictetus said, ‘we must ever
bear in mind - that apart from the will there is nothing good or bad, and that
we must not try to anticipate or to direct events, but merely to accept them
with intelligence.’ Man must, that is, believe there is a God whose thought
directs the universe.” (Encyclopaedia
Britannica 2004 CD-ROM.
in our schools and colleges we are not taught to know and apply our will. We
have not made it that far. We are treated like dogs who fight over scraps of
meat which are the leftovers from the System’s table. The teacher is given his
or hers separately but still not being set free to hunt for his or her own
prey. Thus, again, we become dependent on the System and, when the authorities
give the order to attack, we obey. We are slaves and trained pets. We are
confined to small spaces where we can be easily controlled. We are trapped in
cages of dogma instead of flying or roaming freely as universal beings each
with our own unique potential for expressing the one Creative Power, the Conscious Presence, that is ‘God.’ Such
is the powerlessness of now. Osho explains it thus:
education that has prevailed in the past is very insufficient, incomplete,
superficial. It only creates people who can earn their livelihood but it does
not give any insight into living itself. It is not only incomplete, it is
harmful too – because it is based on competition.
Any type of competition is violent deep
down, and creates people who are unloving. Their whole effort is to be the
achievers: of name, of fame, of all kinds of ambitions – obviously they have to
struggle and be in conflict for them. That destroys their joys and that
destroys their friendliness. It seems everybody is fighting against the whole
Education up to now has been goal-oriented:
what you are learning is not important; what is important is the examination
that will come a year or two years later. It makes the future important – more
important than the present. It sacrifices the present for the future. And that
becomes your very style of life; you are always sacrificing the moment for
something which is not present. It creates a tremendous emptiness in life.”
(Osho, p.65).
of Osho’s money is riding on science and universities, which he believes to be
our only hope if we are to avoid being destroyed by politicians. Perhaps that
is one of the reasons the American government poisoned him (which came first,
the chicken or the egg?). He says we have to choose meditation, not death.
Personally, however, I do not see more college professors than politicians
meditating, although I do not doubt that they are probably more objective providing,
as Osho himself stresses, they do not rely on the religion establishment, as
politicians often do: “They are in a deep conspiracy together; they support
each other.” (ibid, p.40). I suggest that we re-educate the educators. Not in
the style of the Cultural Revolution ‘struggle sessions’ though obviously! Osho,
however, observes that,
have brought this great challenge to the whole of humanity. In a way we should
be thankful to these fools. They have dragged the whole of humanity to the point
where humanity has to decide, ‘Now either we can live, or these politicians can
remain in power – both are not possible’...
So I say that now the
universities have to become more bold, courageous, united, and they have to
gather all the intelligentsia around them – which is not difficult, because all
over the world I have seen that every kind of intelligent person is against
these political fools. But he cannot do anything alone. What can he do? And he
does not see that there is any alternative...
Why shouldn’t a university like
Oxford – which is prestigious, old enough, respected around the world – start
calling these conventions? Why shouldn’t Oxford become the centre of a new
power, the power of the intelligentsia?”
(ibid, p.39).
(ibid, p.39).
fact, since Osho’s mission is to inspire people to meditate, he does advocate
its practice in the universities that are to run the world! They will, he says,
have their own institutes for meditation:
“There is no need for any
complexity; universities, the intelligentsia, tend to make things complex. A
simple method of just watching your breath is enough, but every day for one
hour you have to go to the institute. You just sit quietly and witness your
mind-process, while keeping your attention on the breath. Nothing needs to be
done. Just be a witness, an observer, a watcher, looking at the traffic of the
mind – thoughts passing by, desires, memories, dreams, fantasies. Simply stand
aloof, cool, with no condemnation, no evaluations. Once you get the knack of
it, it is the most simple thing in the world.
So about meditation – a few
essential things to be remembered. The first is a relaxed state – no fight, no
control, no concentration. The second is watchfulness – witness whatever is
going on inside of you. And the third is, don’t have any judgement or
evaluation about it. Just be a watcher.
As you practice witnessing, you
will notice that the clouds of thoughts and emotions will slowly start to
disperse and the vast blue sky of your inner being will appear – you will have
a taste of going beyond the body-mind-heart complex. Once you have experienced
this state you have tasted meditation; and meditation is peace, meditation is
joy – meditation is fulfilment.”
(ibid, p.35-36).
(ibid, p.35-36).
is in this clear sky that we discover the sun as it illumines our minds with
its Light. Our awareness is a clean slate upon which to educate ourselves by
allowing the Self to express itself from deep within our consciousness, as our
teacher. “Meditation,” adds Osho, “will make you a new being, a new man, a new
consciousness which knows no fear, no seriousness, no greed, no hate – nothing
of those dark emotions and sentiments which are ugly, sick, nauseating;
meditation knows only that which uplifts you, which goes on uplifting you. Then
nobody can reprogram you, nobody in the whole world...Any imbecile, if he just
sits for one hour every day, doing nothing, for four years, is bound to find
what Buddha or Lao Tzu have found, what I have found. It is not a question of
intelligence, talent, genius. It is only a question of patience.” (ibid, p.37).
Indeed, perhaps we ought both to greet the present our present challenges and
meet the future with patience. Buddha himself told us that ‘patience is the
best form of prayer.’
Kesey, Ken One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (London: Picador, 1962)
Osho The Greatest Challenge: The Golden Future (New Delhi, India: Sterling Publishers Private Limited, 1997)
Pirsig, Robert. M., Lila. An Enquiry Into Morals (London, UK: Black Swan Books, 1991)
Ramala, The Wisdom of Ramala (Saffron Walden, UK: The C.W. Daniel Company Limited, 1986)
Tolle, Eckhart The Power of Now (London, UK: Hodder and Stoughton 1999)
Versluis, Arthur, The Philosophy of Magic (Boston, MASS, US: Arkana Paperbacks, 1986)
What Does the Future Hold?
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