Thursday, 21 July 2016

Hormonal Fluctuations in Men and Women Due to Rapid Energy Shifts and the Menstrual Cycle

All is not lost...

By Antraeus Voltage, 20 July 2016 (edited on 26 July 2016)

"For many women, the pain-body awakens particularly at the time preceding the menstrual flow...If you are able to stay alert and present at that time and watch whatever you feel within, rather than be taken over by it, it affords an opportunity for the most powerful spiritual practice, and a rapid transmutation of all past pain becomes possible." - Eckhart Tolle (The Power of Now, Hodder and Stoughton, London, UK, 1999, p.33).

Part One

The Menstrual Cycle for Women

Pre-menstrual Syndrome is an important issue in all societies across the globe. The discomfort caused to women by a cyclic biological mechanism that takes place in the uterus can also affect those around them. I thought I would go off and find some pertinent articles to recommend on this subject since I am a mere man! I decided that the fastest way to find something decent to share would be to enter the words such as 'PMS' and 'Feminism' in the search field. To my dismay, however, I found that some feminists are expounding the theory that PMS is merely a cultural and not biological phenomenon. No doubt these claims originate in pseudo-science circles funded by those sons of bitches in the Illuminati network. O-K!

In view of this bewildering discovery, I figured my two cents is probably worth more than I thought! WTF do I care? I'm a man, right? Well, I am engaged in sharing the good news that we are all moving towards a new epoch, a new world even, in which everyone will live in love, peace and harmony. Don't we all want suffering to end, period?

There is a tendency for humans to make sweeping generalisations, such as, um, 'all women go scary fucking ape shit during their periods.' Yes, so, evidently, man's second-hand experience of PMS has led to fear-based genetic conditioning in this area. Suffice to say, men are aware that they are not necessarily equipped to handle a member of the opposite sex with whom they are intimate during their 'period.' Our very genes alert us to 'tread carefully' or 'keep women under control.'

I hate science and showed no interest whatsoever in chemistry, physics or biology at school. However, this is my best shot at summarising menstruation as simply as possible...

The monthly menstrual cycle commences with the first day of bleeding. Period pains are at their worst in the first few days of a woman's period while hormones called prostaglandins cause the uterus (womb) to contract. This occurs because the lining of the uterus thickens to prepare for pregnancy and then needs to be actively shed (as may any excess that built up during the previous menstrual cycle(s) and was not discharged - thereby constituting a heavier period). If the egg created during ovulation has not been fertilised then the lining is released (mostly in the form of mucus) along with blood (which can also cause a temporary iron deficiency). This 'period' can last up to a week (3 to 5 days on average). These uterine contractions are responsible for causing most of the discomfort felt during menstrual cramp: painful muscle cramps in the lower tummy and sometimes back and hips. These hormones can cause headaches, back ache, nausea and vomiting. At the same time, the hormone estrogen is produced in a woman's body to control the growth of the new uterine lining. This ensures that, should she get pregnant, the fertilised egg will have all the nutrients and support it needs to grow. As this hormone increases, mood disruptions can occur. 

Estrogen helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. It would appear that it is largely the increase and decrease of estrogen that determines how a woman feels during her period. This is because this hormone produces endorphins that mask pain which, logically, one would expect to increase in order to counter the tightness a woman experiences in her stomach. Release of endorphins in the brain can also produce a natural rise in serotonin levels in the thyroid gland. So, during the first week of the cycle, any weepiness or grouchiness should be replaced by a more upbeat mood just a "few hours" after the period begins. Contrary to what people often say about women's periods, it is the week prior to this release, when these hormone levels drop, that mood swings are most likely. 'Menstruation' itself occurs at the end of the cycle. In other words, those cramps are not meant to last longer than a few hours. Throughout the second week, writes Gabrielle Lichterman, estrogen and testosterone levels are on the rise, hormonal secretions having been triggered by the release of the dominant egg into the fallopian tube on its way to the uterus. So this is an energising time. Mental powers, social activity and sexual prowess are on the increase. Happy days!


Additionally, another hormone called
progesterone rises during the third week of a woman's menstrual cycle according to Lichterman, which, if she is sensitive to it, can cause food cravings and drowsiness and slows her down as it levels the mood caused by increased estrogen. As estrogen, testosterone and progesterone plunge during the fourth week, she says, a wide variety of symptoms may be experienced. A woman may experience a dramatic change in mood, from mellow to irritable, as well as reduced energy, at this time. She notes that these can also range from mild to severe from month to month "often due to diet, stress, medications, exercise habits or your body’s personal sensitivity to hormones." (The Female Hormone Cycle).

So it is a rather complicated situation.

"My real gripe, however, is the general presumption, which is widely held, even by some of the most feminist people I know, that women who suffer cyclical irritability with their menstrual cycles get 'irrational' and/or express anger about things that don’t really bother them; it’s just that they’re being 'sensitive' because of the whole period thing. The problem is that I’ve seen people using that erroneous presumption as an excuse to not deal with the issue about which anger is being expressed, including women themselves, who have been told over and over that their periods do make them irrational and sensitive and thusly feel inclined to exhort partners to 'just ignore' them - a request often obliged with no small amount of self-congratulation.

Let’s put this shit to bed right now: Women don’t lose their minds when they have period-related irritability. It doesn’t lower their ability to reason; it lowers their patience and, hence, tolerance for bullshit. If an issue comes up a lot during 'that time of the month,' that doesn’t mean she only cares about it once a month; it means she’s bothered by it all the time and lacks the capacity, once a month, to shove it down and bury it beneath six gulps of willful silence. Those are the things most worth paying attention to. (By both people involved)."

- Melissa McEwan, 17 March 2008 (Feminism 101: Periods).

Rapid Energy Shifts for Men
Testosterone is produced by the testes in men and by the ovaries in women but in lower doses. Certain symptoms can arise if a woman's testosterone levels drop while estrogen is high, increasing anxiety for a start. Equally, a man may experience problems if his body creates high levels of estrogen since the male body relies mainly on testosterone to function. In fact, excess testosterone can be converted into estrogen thereby causing these other issues (including erectile problems, mood swings, water retention and high blood pressure). Although, again, high testosterone in men can bring it's own issues, such as pride and aggressive behaviour, a propensity for taking risks, including engaging in hostile or criminal activity.
On the other hand, energy shifts also inclines a man to be more honest and direct, no beating about the bush, just calling a spade a spade. Testosterone causes men to be confident and assertive. It is the reason men tend to have deeper voices and hair on their chest, and it enables muscle growth and keeps a man's energy and libido perky. Evidently, the increase in testosterone levels during a woman's menstrual cycle is also designed to assist her in dealing with the changes in her body by drawing on more masculine qualities within herself. Um, which, in the post-patriarchal era, in societies that encourage masculine rather than feminine attitudes and behaviour in both sexes, can actually cause a woman to exaggerate issues, decide boldly or impulsively to confront issues and people with full gusto and get off on power trips whether in a male character or through emotionalism and general bitchiness. Again, each person is different. In other words, each individual is being guided in this and other ways to achieve a balance. Needless to say, however, that the male libido can become a nuisance.

Energy needs to be nurtured or channelled in order to flow. Man’s affinity with the Sun (the power of being) means that his identity depends, partly at least, on these changes in his energy. It is through the feminine flow and depth of feeling and internal experience that he may expand his self-awareness.

The shape of a man’s body and sexual organ encourage energy to flow in one direction: in or out, up or down. Self or giving to others. As a man grows older there might be less testosterone and more estrogen, stimulating more emotional energy in him, leading him inwards towards peace and wholeness.

If a man ejaculates too frequently for his own good, his own capacity, his own balance, he may become oversensitive, irritable, quick-tempered, intolerant, tired, lethargic, thoughtless and inconsiderate, being thrown back on his physical ego, reinforcing his identification with it, like an animal. This also brings benefits in terms of quick reactions, spontaneity, vigour and dynamic action. Ejaculation can release negative energy. It clears out a man’s emotional bank and gives him a clean slate but also keeps him in a shallow or limited state generally. That is if there is no reciprocal, or complementary, positive feminine energy being received. Which I guess is a sign that such behaviour is not so healthy spiritually if one intends to work towards attaining an enlightened state. Otherwise, the only concern is the debilitating long-term effects that can result in terms of one’s health. As a man’s vital energies start to flow and build up again, positive, creative inspiration may be stimulated. Each man is likely to have his own relationship to this state of flux that is being generated not only by his sexual activity physically but also mentally, which also affects his energy on all levels. These changes may happen on a daily basis unless he stabilises (and expands) his consciousness by cultivating sexual energy, drawing on alchemical wisdom to attain self-mastery.

Again, each man is different and responds in his own way. Perhaps the effects can be said to be less diverse than the effects of the menstrual cycle on women since his body provides him with a fairly fixed identity which merely shifts between a few gears, or modes, quite frequently. A woman’s body, on the other hand, allows emotions to flow because energy is circulating naturally throughout. While a woman can have sex any time she wishes without being affected negatively, men generally need to meditate to assist this flow or channel it creatively. Which is why emotional men tend to have chubbier bodies, or they are curvier, shall we say.

Generally speaking, if a man ejaculates too frequently he is less capable of dealing with his feelings and deepening his consciousness. A man needs time not simply to recover but to deepen his self-awareness and, potentially, to become acquainted with his spiritual core over time. In other words, physical separation results from this loss of internal energy, thus posing a challenge for men on a par with that which women experience as a result of the menstrual cycle. Except that, in a culture in which inner reality is reduced to a shallow veneer, ignorant beliefs and behaviour are rewarded whereas the tests and trials of spiritual transformation are passed off as abnormal behaviour. This is the main thing that cuts men off from themselves. And a man, often unwittingly, may compensate for this loss of energy and resulting hormonal shifts through drugs, alcohol and antisocial behaviour. Depending, again, on what nourishment he draws from a female or his own innermost being. So what if men lack love and compassion in a climate of fear and greed promoted by patriarchy? That’s what it amounts to, sadly.

Part Two 

The Role Played by the Moon in PMS

"I believe a strong woman may be stronger than a man, particularly if she happens to have love in her heart. I guess a loving woman is indestructible." - John Steinbeck, East of Eden.

It seems clear to me that this unpleasant hormonal imbalance is not something that should be occurring for any women of any age. I mean, if animals do not, potentially, go through hell once a month, why should humans? People have not been educated to understand that powerful creator beings are directing the course of collective human evolution which avails souls of a diverse range of experiences. They have allowed demonic weeds to overrun the Garden of Earth for a purpose. And evidently they have the capacity to improve circumstances if they get out of hand. The only justification I can think of for allowing premenstrual tension to exist - for thousands of years - is to subdue women and give men a chance to lead the field quantitatively in terms of exploring the lesson of power.

As individual souls who have incarnated on Earth, we rely on both internal and external
stimulii to steer us in the direction of our life path and achieve what we came here for. One can observe that hormones, however they are triggered and for whatever biological purpose they may serve, play a major role in enabling individuals of both sexes to express their potential in a variety of ways. When we are up, we need to channel our energy productively, lovingly and wisely. When we are down, we must dig deep within ourselves to draw on our latent strength and exhibit qualities such as patience and humility. Ultimately, hormones therefore stretch us and challenge us to grow.
As with everything, we must assume that intelligent design is at work here. The hormones at play during the menstrual cycle ensure that women, at least, preserve a range of mental and emotional states in the collective consciousness of humanity. This may then serve as a foundation for both individual and collective inspiration and transformation from dark to Light, for both sexes. However, as patriarchy,
courtesy of the dark ET collectives, has been given free reign to ramp up the pressures of survival, competition, war, and general stress and inequality, this complex system that is designed to enable childbirth to occur is now beset with issues such as hormonal imbalances.

It's like saying if you're a woman you're going to be ill each month from puberty until menopause so you'd better get used to it. I mean, if ever us men suffer pain inside our bodies which is beyond our control we generally become terrified! This is because we cannot see it, only feel it. And we cannot own it as something we have caused through direct action. Perhaps, depending on the severity, a woman's karma can be partly regulated through the menstrual cycle. Do we even want to go there? I guess not but I wouldn't put it past the gods who manage the human experience in this complex hologram most of us deem (or experience) to be so real.

These conditions are different for each woman and ranges from mild to severe. For the most part, it is bearable. Since each person possesses unique set of strengths and weaknesses, the each woman's response also varies, with some coping better than others, applying mind or will or relaxing and transcending or patiently enduring or releasing the pain and discomfort more expressively. In addition, the length of this cycle can vary from woman to woman, lasting between 23 and 36 days.

We take it for granted that this is a natural phenomenon. My understanding, however, is that the ovulation process, which prepares women for pregnancy, has been exacerbated by the present proximity, if not the actual presence, of the Moon in relation to Earth. This rock is said to have been brought into Earth's orbit by dark forces in order to create chaos. Archangel Michael and co then moved it out of the danger zone to a distance that was desirable for the next cycle of human experience and soul growth. The lunar cycle clearly has a dramatic effect on bodies of water on our planet. And, since our own physical bodies are comprised of more than 60% water (the volume varies from person to person), which acts as a conduit for thought and psychic energy, the phases of the Moon have an affect on our moods, our emotional states.

Long ago, in Lemuria and Atlantis, before the Fall, people inhabited bodies that were much less dense than ours today and lived for thousands and then hundreds of years. Finally, the extraterrestrial forces bent on enslaving humanity, were able, using various means, to cause our chakras to stop spinning at the speed of light until our Merkaba, the body of Light that enables us to exist consciously in the higher dimensions, ceased spinning entirely.

It was this travesty that caused human beings to identify with the outer body and to concentrate all thought and energy into the third dimension, thus anchoring human consciousness in the material world. Consequently, we now inhabit very dense bodies of flesh which weigh us down, constrict our consciousness and compel us to develop physical personalities with which we identify. Most of us believe that we are these 'space suits.' Spiritually-aware people generally experience higher states of consciousness here and there, during meditation, through music, psychadelic drugs, and the like.

The Moon is one of the tools that was used to create this condition of dependence on matter in conjunction with DNA tampering and social engineering. And, so, over the course of many millennia, there are likely to have been many efforts to keep humanity in a state of bondage to the material plane as well as adjustments to enable souls, when they are ready, to make the journey of transformation from duality consciousness through physical separation to unity consciousness through union with the Divine.

In those early periods of human history, in Lemuria and early Atlantis, people did not age and die but simply left the Earth plane at their chosen time. The 'authorities' are keen to deprive us of this information since they do not wish us to know of our potential for self-realisation as spiritual beings. As long as we live, think and behave like animals we remain powerless and easy to control. Likewise, childbirth was not the physical process with which we are familiar today. Due to the complex reproductory organs in the female body, women tend to be biologically stronger than men. There is also the production of milk in her paps of course. In theory, then, the current proximity of the Moon is responsible for causing us to inhabit bodies that challenge us to grow spiritually in the initiatory school of Earth.

Word is that this situation has now outlived its purpose. Humanity is therefore receiving assistance from the divine realms to upgrade to human 2.0 which is a physical vehicle with silicone (crystalline) as opposed to carbon-based DNA. In other words, our cells will be able to store more light and information in the future and human beings will therefore start to identify with energies vibrating at a faster rate than physical matter. Consequently, the human body will continue to increase its vibration as we make the climb back to the higher realms with Gaia's path towards Ascension.

The Moon is gradually moving further away from the Earth but very, very slowly. This is due, however, to be accelerated until the Moon is removed from the pull of Earth's magnetic field entirely. And, so, as human beings become lighter and freer and move towards en-lighten-ment, one would expect the many and varied symptoms associated with PMS to wind down, become less commonplace and eventually vanish altogether.

"I mean yes, one of the symptoms of PMS is being cranky but generalising it for your own benefit, is going a little too far. There is a lack of clarity and awareness we see around in men (and women too) with respect to issues surrounding periods. While everyone knows there is a PMS system, very few are aware that it varies from one woman to another. Similarly, the lack of information amongst partners, friends and colleagues, results in women and their opinions being seen without any logic at times, and this is rather disheartening.

While it is important to make women aware of how to handle menstrual woes, it is equally important for boys (who later become men) to be educated about the importance of understanding the phenomenon. Taking it as a joke won’t help.  While a girl gets to know about puberty, menstruation and sex, it is important that young boys/men are sensitised about this process. It is important to emphasise sensitivity above awareness in this regard."

- Suchi Gaur ('PMS in Boys and why it’s not funny!' 11 December 2013).

Finally, while women experience a fairly regular cycle which gradually unfolds over the course of each month, men's hormonal ups and downs occur more frequently. That 'male' hormone, testosterone, releases energy that needs to be channelled creatively and through physical exercise as well as tempered through daily meditation. Otherwise, it feeds the physical ego and can cause imbalances which affect the individual's consciousness. Plus, the ancient Taoists teach us to guard our semen and cultivate sexual energy because all of it is precious both in terms of our general health and strength and our spiritual transformation. Indeed, I learned that when sexual energy is stored in the spine the semen coagulates, that is, thickens, and is then less likely to flood downwards and seek release through sexual activity. This stored energy enables the flow of energy to rise rather than fall, which aids meditation and the development of the higher chakras. In other words, it can help to align us with Heaven which is something women have naturally, if only they knew it or made use of this natural resonance.

And, of course, our society is rich in offerings of wisdom along these lines. Not. Hence the mayhem! What hormone depletion does a man experience as a result of ejaculation? Evidently, while adrenalin (whose release is aided by the neurotransmitter dopamine as well as monoamine) increases with sexual arousal, there is a loss of energy as well as protein (which can be replaced by consuming a couple of raw eggs) and the mineral zinc afterwards. Some of this energy is replaced within hours. Studies have shown that testosterone may actually increase through sexual intercourse. Ejaculation generally causes an increase in prolactin (resulting in post-orgasmic euphoria) while dopamine decreases. As we get older our bodies require us to cut down on potentially debilitating things like cigarettes and masturbation, reducing our indulgences gradually every ten years. Depending, of course, on our individual energy levels and constitution. And karma!

"Again, it's not that I don't think my hormones affect my mood. They certainly do, once in a while. But it's as simple as that - MY MOOD. Not my basic human competence..A friend of mine, comedian Hari Kondabolu, does a bit he calls his 'feminist dick joke,' in which he skewers the idea that we could never have a female president because of her three irrational days per month. You should watch it, at left - the joke starts around 1:45 - but here's the crux:
We have men who actually believe that a woman, because of her biology, has her judgment impaired once a month. Well, I'm a man with a penis and testicles - my judgment is impaired every five to seven minutes. And I'll be honest with you. I wake up some mornings with my judgment impaired.
This is the thing. Yeah, PMS is real and it can be a pain in the ass, but it's not insurmountable and all-encompassing. It is a mild bad mood, for fuck's sake."
- Lindy West ('Look, PMS Makes You Moody, Not Completely Fucking Incompetent,' 16 October 2012).


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