Artisan News Interview with Lemmy from Motorhead, 2011
Interviewer: Have you ever seen the record industry in such
Lemmy: It’s never been at this point before. It’s never been
at the point where the record companies are strangling themselves at the last
gasp. And in 10 years they’re all going to be gone, a thing of the past, you
know. Unless some of them learn to work with the internet, right, because that’s
the way it is. And all they could do was sue people. How are you going to sue
like 55 million people? It’s not going to work is it? Imagine the court costs,
you know. It’s just stupid that. You’ve got to learn to work with it. It’s
all-pervasive, all-knowing, all-seeing, you know. It’s like God in a box, you
know. So you’ve got to work with it. You can’t work against it. We just release
downloads as well as albums, you know. That’s all. We’re selling pretty well in
both mediums. Fine with me. I don’t mind how people hear it. I just want them
to hear it, you know. The bad thing about the internet is people think we
should give them the music for nothing which I think is vastly naive , you
know. How the fuck are you supposed to keep going if you give your music away
for nothing? How do they think we get the money? They think we’ve got rich
parents or something? [laughs]
Excerpt from 'The Effects of the Internet and Digital Downloading on the Music Industry' by Ultius
"The rise of the Internet would seem to have hurt record labels more than it has actual musicians."
"As Herstand has pointed out: major label musicians "always had to
rely on alternative sources of income (like touring and merch) to offset
what their labels didn't pay them in royalties...Why are people
silent when record companies (legally) steal from artists, but raise
hell when fans do it?" (paragraph 10). In other words, it is possible
that musicians, while no doubt affected by the developments within the
music industry discussed above, may in fact be less affected than the
record labels themselves. Musicians may be making less money in these
times from record sales; but in truth, it would seem that they never
really made all that much to begin with.
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