Friday, 1 April 2016

The FBI is The Catcher in the Rye: The Assassination of John Lennon

(The Rest of the Story)

How The Catcher in the Rye"motivated Mark Chapman to shoot John Lennon

Mark Chapman is the victim of an artificially induced MODEL PSYCHOSIS. (Look this term up in a medical dictionary). The characteristics of an artificial model psychosis are as follows : If an individual is continuously subjected for 5-7 days to intake (drugging) of amphetamine or the much stronger methamphetamine, a model psychosis will follow. This means that even if you stop the drugging, the artificially induced Psychosis will now continue to build up by itself. Sometimes even a one-time single dose of methamphetamine is enough. (sometimes)

Documents released under the Freedom of Information Act state and testify that various Federal Agencies of the U.S. government (such as the CIA, the Pentagon, etcetera) had a several decade-long covert research project to develop a technique or method by which an involuntary, unwitting innocent individual could be covertly manipulated to hallucinate that he or she must carry out the assassination of a preselected target. The documents all state that this was to be accomplished via HYPNOSIS. Now, if I were to hypnotise you, would you assassinate someone ?

Of course not ! In fact, it should not take more than 5 seconds to figure out that while Hypnosis may be an interesting gimmick for inducing a state of relaxation and maybe even meditation, it absolutely doesn't work to make someone carry out an assassination against his will. A Psychosis, however, DOES DO THE JOB ! Go ahead and check the police files of so-called amphetamine and methamphetamine induced homicides. This is basically the crime we are carefully trying to recreate here. Thus the word/term "Hypnosis" encountered by so many researchers in the numerous documents released from the CIA under the Freedom of Information Act may be nothing more than a cover - a CODE WORD - for an artificially induced Model "PSYCHOSIS" !

In order to understand how to induce someone suffering from the advanced stages of such an artificially induced model psychosis to commit an act of assassination against his will and better instincts, let us first examine a number of previous, politically motivated assassinations :

Let us start with Jack Ruby who shot Lee Harvey Oswald. After the assassination, when he was visited by members of the Warren Commission, Ruby was completely PSYCHOTIC. Even close friends have testified to this. He kept talking about the Jews, the Holocaust and the new government secretly taking over the United States. The Warren Commission found him not credible. Ruby also admitted that before the assassination he had taken more than 30 (thirty) amphetamines and diet pills (Dexedrine). "They stimulate you !" He later testified. That's right, they induce an artificial model psychosis and its not clear who had advised Ruby to take these. Before the Warren Commission, Jack Ruby testified about a conversation he had on the night before he shot Oswald with Dallas Police Officer Lt Olson who told him that "Oswald should be cut inch by inch into ribbons!" and praised Ruby as "The greatest guy in the world !"

Ruby's lawyer (Tonahill) believes that prior to the shooting, Ruby had numerous conversations like these about which he refused to testify as these might be construed as premeditation which could have made Jack Ruby a candidate for the death penalty. Can we read between the lines here and decipher the covert methodologies involved ? First Ruby's model psychosis is induced under the disguise of dieting pills which are amphetamines. Once the psychosis has taken a noticeable effect he is literally being psyched up by various members of the Dallas Police, government, etcetera, who suggest to him that Oswald should be shot. At this stage, because of the Psychosis, Ruby was unable to see through the trick and the covert manipulation he was being subjected to. To sum up, in 1963 Ruby's model psychosis was induced via an overintoxication of amphetamines and "diet pills". The assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald was then induced by psyching him up via the innocuous "conversations" he later reported to the Warren Commission.

Jack Ruby with girls at his Carousel office. Operated strip joints and dance halls in Dallas. He and his sister Eva Ruby Grant had set up two burlesque night clubs - he spent most of his time running the Carousel Club while Eva ran the Vegas Club. Lee Harvey Oswald, another MKULTRA mind control victim, was shot dead by Ruby using a concealed .38 revolver as he walked through Dallas police on 24 November 1963, on live television, just two days after being jailed for shooting John F. Kennedy (to cover for the Italian mafia who really shot him). Jack Ruby was even present at the press conference when Lee Harvey Oswald was first presented to the press, presumably to get a good look at him. It is likely that both men were connected to the mob and, indeed, that Ruby was operating these clubs for them. Ruby also did favours for a number of Dallas policemen in exchange for leniency in their monitoring of his establishments. He was friends with many of them too. “He had no choice,” said Gail Raven, an exotic dancer who became friends with Jack Ruby. When asked why, she replied, that the Chicago tough guy “had no choice. Jack had bosses, just like everyone else.” They may have assured him that they would protect him afterwards. He appears to have been advised to take 30 amphetamine pills and some diet pills to stimulate himself prior this premeditated act which he told Jewish attorney, William Kunstler, was "for the Jews." He also told Kunstler on three occasions, "Bill, I did this so they wouldn’t implicate the Jews." And expressed a "desire to protect American Jews from a pogrom that could occur because of anger over the assassination." Yeah JFK was taken out because he was working against the criminal Elite which includes Zionist Jews and the Italian mafia. Ruby also implied that this murder would spare Jackie Kennedy having to answer questions during the forthcoming trial. In other words, there was a danger that Lee Harvey Oswald might say something that could lead to the truth being revealed about Jewish involvement in the takeover of America and, potentially, the whole world. As a Jewish Supremacist, his soul belonged to the Satanic network loosely known as the 'Illuminati.'

Jack Ruby was born Jacob Rubenstein to Joseph Rubenstein (1871 -1958) and Fannie Turek Rutkowski or Rokowsky in Chicago, Illinois, in 1911. His Polish-born parents were Orthodox Jews
Let us now go five years into the future and analyse the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy (John F. Kennedy's brother) As the autopsy of Robert F. Kennedy PROVES BEYOND ANY REASONABLE DOUBT Sirhan Sirhan may have injured a few people, but he did not kill Robert F. Kennedy ! Sirhan was standing in front of Robert F. Kennedy at a distance of one or two yards. He held his gun at a straight angle. Robert F. Kennedy, however, was killed by a gun which due to the burn marks it left on the back of his clothing could not have been more than 2 inches from his body. The shots which really killed RFK entered his body FROM BEHIND and ended up stuck in the ceiling tiles, above RFK. (See the book on the Robert F. Kennedy assassination by Philip Melanson, for example - check local bookstores).

Prior to shooting at RFK Sirhan had been interested in mental improvement techniques and in this quest had joined the local chapter of the ROSICRUCIANS. These "Rosicrucians" were in all likelyhood infiltrated by the CIA and other sordid members of the government. I want to emphasize that I am not proposing that all Rosicrucians are secret undercover CIA agents but only that the particular chapter which the gullible Sirhan Sirhan had joined in 1967 or 1968 had been infiltrated. What did Sirhan Sirhan "learn" from the Rosicrucians ? He was advised to WRITE HIS THOUGHTS DOWN. An article Sirhan was given to read was even read into his trial record. It was aptly called "PUT IT IN WRITING !" Sirhan was then advised to sit in front of his mirror, where he had experimented with performing magic rituals, and write his thoughts down. And what "thoughts" did he write into his famous notebook : "RFK MUST BE ASSASSINATED ASSASSINATED ASSASSINATED ASSASSINATED ! (etcetera)

So what is going on here ? Its safe to conclude that Sirhan was already suffering from the advanced stages of a covertly induced Model Psychosis so that he no longer realized the significance of what he was writing down. Its also safe to conclude that Sirhan's "thoughts" were of course not really his own. After the assassination, Sirhan told Robert B. Kaiser - who spent over 200 hours interviewing Sirhan in his jail cell and wrote a book about it (out of print) that he believed his mind had been influenced by "Thought Waves". Kaiser at first laughed but Sirhan was serious.

Now let's be reasonable here. What Sirhan and Kaiser naively refer to as "Thought Waves" are of course nothing more than highly sophisticated SUBLIMINAL messages, most likely operating on the Ultrasound and Infrasound audio spectrum. To sum up, the technique used to induce Sirhan Sirhan to hallucinate that he must assassinate RFK was : a) Manipulate the gullible Sirhan to perform the cultish rituals of the Rosicrucians and other "occult" practices", which involved sitting in front of his mirror and repeatedly writing down whatever comes to his mind. b) Covertly induce an artificial model psychosis c) Once suffering from the advanced stages of this model psychosis, trick Sirhan Sirhan into PSYCHING HIMSELF UP by subjecting him to highly sophisticated subliminal techniques suggesting that "RFK MUST BE ASSASSINATED ASSASSINATED ASSASSINATED ASSASSINATED".

The trick is to combine the growing psychosis with the act of writing these messages down repeatedly, which is accomplished via the cultish rituals. Once the artificial model psychosis has progressed beyond a certain point, the individual will no longer understand the significance of what he is writing down. You don't believe the government uses subliminal techniques ? Go IMMEDIATELY to :

(CLICK ON THE GOLDEN SHIP, THEN CLICK ON "IN THE NEWS") and read all about Dr. Lowery's subliminal techniques which the U.S. government used in the Gulf War against Iraq (Operation Desert Storm) to induce the enemy to give himself up, or check out U.S. patent 5,159,703 (SILENT SUBLIMINAL PRESENTATION SYSTEM) by the same company - which the military used in Iraq. The precise schematics thereof are still CLASSIFIED - just ask the company's president (address listed on the patent). They've now been BACKENGINNERED and are online. Go to : Scroll down to where it says : BUILD YOUR OWN silent sound device. Click on "BUILD YOUR OWN" All the backengineered info is there for you.

Of course there are numerous other subliminal techniques. Several of these were developed by Dr. Smirnov from the Russian Sechenev Medical Institute for Psycho-Correction. In March of 1993, during the standoff in Waco, Texas with David Koresh, several law enforcement personnel including members of the FBI and the CIA secretly hosted Dr. Smirnov in Washington D.C. for a demonstration of his technique.

As you may know the human ear consists of the so-called "outer" ear, the "middle" ear and the "inner" ear. The inner ear is the only one filled with fluid. The average human outer ear has a hearing capacity of approximately 15Hz - 15-16KHz. The "inner" human ear has a hearing capacity of up to 50 K Hz. (Look it up in a medical dictionary). By comparison, the standard electronic audio equipment such as the ordinary radio, TV or tape recorder and player has a broadcasting (playing) capacity of up to 20 KHz.

Smirnov's device calculates the spoken word/audio sound so that it bypasses the "outer" human ear and is only picked up by the "inner" human ear. The effect is that the brain of the exposed individual will interpret the "message" as having originated from the inside of his brain. This is accomplished via a simple electronic circuit which "splits" the audio up into two frequencies. Mostly that's 10 Mhz & 15 Mhz (There are also other frequencies) The device works best if the targeted individual is suffering from a psychosis so that he or she will "hear" voices which are auditory hallucinations and OBEY THEM ! The above described device can then be tuned so that it imitates these voices so that the targeted individual will obey your own commands instead of the hallucinatory ones. This is one of the techniques the government has developed under its numerous classified MIND CONTROL research projects. The backengineered Silent Sound device also has a Tinnitus-like effect.

Schematics & circuits at :
Scroll down and click on "BUILD YOUR OWN"

The FBI wanted to try this technique with David Koresh who it was hoped would be megalomanical enough to believe GOD was speaking to him and instructing him to give himself up. The plan was abandoned for fear it might not work and trigger greater violence instead. The highly classified reason for the concern that this particular technique might not work in David Koresh's case is that while David Koresh was certainly megalomanical he was not psychotic to the degree where he would have suffered auditory hallucinations which is the state of mind necessary for this particular method to work best. This was discussed at the intelligence meeting where Smirnov demonstrated his device to the Americans, shortly before the standoff at Waco turned into a tragedy.

Mark Chapman, on the other hand, was "hearing voices". He complained to his doctors about "the little people in his head" and was subsequently diagnosed as suffering from a Psychosis. The real secret, however, is that Mark Chapman's psychosis had been ARTIFICIALLY INDUCED -- in other words, Chapman was suffering from a so-called "MODEL PSYCHOSIS" which can NOT be distinguished from a genuine "internal" psychosis.

Another classified subliminal technique involves transmission of subliminal messages via microwaves. This is accomplished by connecting an electret microphone (or an ear jack-- for remote operation, use a remote-control radio microphone) to an audio preamplifier which amplifies the relatively weak signal of the electret microphone. This amplified signal is then sent through a signal amplifier which makes the signal even stronger. (It is possible that subliminal output quality may be improved by repeating the two aforementioned steps several times, but I haven't tried this out.)

This even stronger signal is then placed within a pulse width modulating network which mixes the audio with the digital. The output signal then goes to a microwave transmitter and is broadcasted via a parabolic antenna. Parabolic antennas are directional so that the signal carrying the spoken word via the subliminal Rf and/or microwaves can be directly beamed at a target. Such a subliminal device can be operated in both the Rf as well as in the microwave frequencies. Another way is to hook up a Neurophone to a police-type audio doppler radar transmitter, transmitting in the K-band police radar frequencies. (Try 23-24 Ghz) For more info on the Neurophone & circuits thereof, go to : Click on CIRCUITS at the bottom of that page.

There are of course numerous other subliminal techniques. In order to obtain a more detailed technical understanding of these its often very helpful to check out the various "HEARING AID"-patents for the deaf as the military and classified "black" research community has done the same to turn these into subliminal buck rogers devices and weapons. Another way to obtain more detailed technical information is to discretely interview the same scientists and electronic engineers who have done this research for the Intelligence Agencies.

You will come across their names if you search the homepage of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and use the Bolean search system supplied there to search the cover pages of the patents of interest. Due to the end of the Cold War, numerous Eastern technicians who have conducted similar research for Eastern European governments during the Cold War are now also flooding into the U.S. and Western Europe. Its often extremely helpful to talk to them. (Beware of ex-KGB agents who are cooperating with the U.S. government, telling you B.S. and for being allowed to stay in the United States).


It has been fairly well documented that Chapman was psychotic when she shot Lennon. Before the assassination, in the advanced stages of his model psychosis, Chapman sat in his room in Hawaii and kept chanting over and over and over :




This is remarkably similar to Sirhan Sirhan, writing into his notebook that "RFK MUST BE ASSASSINATED ASSASSINATED ASSASSINATED ASSASSINATED" (isn't it !)

And in Sirhan Sirhan's case the autopsy of RFK clearly proves that he did NOT kill Robert F. Kennedy !

What we can now deduct here is that the government has secretly continued to develop this highly classified technique to eliminate all human contact between the assassin and his "inducer". Thus Chapman first became the victim of the artificial model psychosis, then received highly sophisticated subliminal instructions to CHANT "JOHN LENNON MUST DIE SAYS THE CATCHER IN THE RYE" so that he psyched himself up.

This is the important distinction here : I am not proposing that subliminal technologies exist which can make someone assassinate a preselected target even if the person it is suggested to is suffering from the advanced stages of an artificially induced model psychosis. Rather, what I am saying here is that the subliminal messages are used to trick the Manchurian-Candidate-in-the- Making" to psych himself up. And once in the grips of a model psychosis, he will not be able to grasp the significance of the messages he is chanting or writing.

And who do you think is the real "Catcher in the Rye" ? Let's not kid ourselves :


It was the FBI of course who because of the contrast between his personal wealth and his involvement in social and socialist causes had long considered John Lennon to be a phony. The FBI harassment of Lennon is a long one and has been fairly well documented by UCLA history professor Jon Wiener.

Why would the government want to assassinate John Lennon. Remember this was the time of the Cold War. Ronald Reagan had just been elected for the promise to "make America strong again". This entailed building up the military, heating up the arms race and engage in numerous insurgencies in Third World countries. The government didn't need a John Lennon capable of motivating millions of people to march in "Give Peace A Chance" demonstrations. They were afraid of the political impact he would have.


Newly released documents prove that during the last days of WWII, the British government considered several plots to assassinate Adolf Hitler. One of the plots considered was to hypnotize Rudolf Hess to shoot Hitler. As we have meticulously discussed, hypnosis is useless for this purpose. Hypnosis is a cover and a code word for a PSYCHOSIS, that is, an artificially induced MODEL PSYCHOSIS, and a clever array of carefully worked-out techniques which together do work. The point I am trying to make is that if the British government experimented with these techniques back in the early 1940's, they surely must be aware that Mark Chapman is the victim of an artificially induced model psychosis. CONCLUSION: CERTAIN PARTS OF THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT ARE COOPERATING IN THE ASSASSINATION OF THEIR OWN CITIZEN, EX-BEATLE JOHN LENNON !


Do not confuse a psychopath (like Ted Bundy, for example) who has no conscience about the crimes he commits with someone who commits a crime because he is suffering from a psychosis so that he is hallucinating and can thus no longer distinguish between right and wrong. A psychopath, on the other hand, knows the difference between right and wrong. He is not hallucinating and understands that his actions constitute a crime. He simply doesn't have a conscience.

Chapman committed the crime as a result of a psychosis which had progressed to the point where he was hallucinating and not in touch with reality anymore. The question NEVER EVER addressed by the mainstream investigative news media is whether Chapman's psychosis was the result of a genuine "internal" mental imbalance or an artificially induced model psychosis which is the result of "external" manipulation. Unfortunately, even a highly trained, experienced psychiatrist will not be able to distinguish an artificially induced "external" model psychosis from a genuine "internal" psychosis which develops due to mental illness.

The Cranberries - I Just Shot John Lennon 

With regards to the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy (John F. Kennedy's brother) : The autopsy of RFK's body clearly proves beyond any reasonable doubt that RFK was shot from behind by a gun which due to the burn marks it left on his clothing could not have been more than a few inches from his body. Sirhan Sirhan, on the other hand stood in front of RFK and NEVER EVER got closer than one or two yards. In other words, whoever killed RFK, it sure wasn't Sirhan Sirhan. The autopsy was performed by Dr.Thomas Noguchi (I'm recalling his name from memory and may be spelling it wrong).

Sirhan also held his arm (with the gun) at a straight angle while RFK's autopsy proves his killer shot upwards so that the bullets which really killed RFK ended up stuck in the ceiling tiles which the LAPD promptly removed (and subsequently conveniently trashed).

It is easy to verify (by discussing this technique with knowledgeable psychiatrists, for example) that an individual suffering from the advanced stages of an artificially induced model psychosis can easily be manipulated to commit acts of violence he or she would not normally commit.

Another item of interest that should be highlighted here is that moments before Chapman assassinated John Lennon, the Dakota's nightwatchman, Jose Perdomo, a Cuban exile, was discussing the assassination of John F. Kennedy with Mark Chapman. (See article(s) in the weekly People Magazine by James R. Gaines, sometime in the 1980's) Mark Chapman later said, "That assassination has always meant a great deal to me !" Can we begin to understand the covert methodologies involved here ? Remember that Jack Ruby was being psyched up by Dallas police officer Olson, that "Lee Harvey Oswald should be cut inch by inch into ribbons", before he shot him.

Ever since Watergate, it is no longer a national secret that many Cuban exiles are closely associated with the Central Intelligence Agency. Such "harmless" conversations have a considerably more profound impact on someone suffering from the advanced stages of an artificially induced model psychosis - as Chapman certainly was - and an even greater impact if the suffering individual has been cleverly tricked into psyching himself up that "THE CATCHER IN THE RYE (i.e., the FBI) SAYS JOHN LENNON MUST DIE ! Jose Perdomo's intelligence associations should be immediately investigated !!!

 The Catcher in the Rye • Mark David Chapman had the book in his pocket when he was arrested for shooting John Lennon
Why "The Catcher In The Rye"-title ???

The literary story and content of J.D. Salinger's book "The Catcher in the Rye" has absolutely no connection to the asassination of John Lennon. Mark Chapman did NOT read the book and decide to assassinate John Lennon simply because of J.D. Salinger's story. In order to brainwash an innocent, unwitting individual via an artificially induced model psychosis to hallucinate that he must carry out the asassination of a preselected target it is necessary to trick the "Manchurian-Candidate-In-the-Making" to psych himself up. For this purpose it is very helpful to subliminally induce the subject to repeatedly chant or write down a rhyme connected with the subliminal assassination message (i.e. RFK must be assasinated assassinated assassinated assassinated - as in the Sirhan Sirhan case) THE CATCHER IN THE RYE SAYS JOHN LENNON (or "the phony) MUST DIE obviously serves this purpose perfectly.

In addition, it is quite plausible that the term "Catcher In The Rye" denotes a secret clique of Intelligence officials (FBI, CIA, etcetera) who for obvious reasons can't brag openly about how they pulled off the assassination of John Lennon. The Central Intelligence Agency's own recruitment brochure compares the CIA headquarters to a university setting. And we all know what happens at any regular university where large numbers of people come together : They soon form cliques. This is even more true in the world of intelligence and covert operations. If you are interested in their mindcontrol technologies a great place to start a technological search can be found at :

Check out U.S. patent #4,858,612, titled "HEARING DEVICE", issued to Philip Stocklin. It's a device which uses microwaves to transmit audio into human heads

Also, you can check out : for the description of an experiment Alan Frey conducted in the 1960's which transmitted audio into human heads via microwaves.

John Lennon signing an autograph for Chapman, 8 December 1980

Other interesting sites are :

Internet web sites featuring research on the microwave audio effect, which can be used to imitate the "voices" an individual may hear and obey in the advanced stages of an artificially induced model psychosis (See FBI = 'Catcher In The Rye' BELOW) so that the target obeys the microwave-based subliminal commands rather than his own auditory hallucinations :

And for the precise circuits, diagrams and schematics of the Neurophone, go to :
(Click on NURO CIRCUITS at the bottom of that page)

To build a device which broadcasts audio into the human head via microwaves, connect a police type doppler radar transmitter to the Experimenter's Neurophone listed on Terry Bastian Neurophone homepage see above), then test all frequencies by hooking it all up to a Sweep Oscillator (be sure to check out the 20-30 GHZ range, but don't leave it at that. TEST ALL FREQUENCIES with a SWEEP OSCILLATOR !!!)

I have read John Marks' book, The Search For The Manchurian Candidate, and I can recommend it. As you may know, it's a rather conservative book which asserts that this mind control stuff was carried out but didn't work. The fact is, you are correct in asserting that HYPNOSIS does NOT work.

All I'm saying is that in those documents (the ones released to John Marks under the Freedom of Information Act, among others), the word HYPNOSIS is a thin cover (a very thin cover, if you know what you're doing) for an artificially induced model PSYCHOSIS, which, as any knowledgeable psychiatrist should be able to confirm does do the job. And Chapman was indeed suffering from a psychosis when he shot John Lennon. The real trick is to trick the "Manchurian-Candidate-In-The-Making" to psych himself up once the artificially induced model psychosis has progressed within the individual to a certain stage (i.e., once he doesn't realize the significance of his actions any longer due to one of the most classical symptoms of a psychosis - both of genuine, internal ones as well as of artificially induced model psychoses, - which is that the subject will lose ALL contact with reality).

In Sirhan Sirhan's case this was accomplished by manipulating him into practicing the rituals of the Rosecrucians. These were to sit in front of his mirror and write his thoughts down into his notebook. Once this initially harmless exercise became a habbit for Sirhan, his model psychosis was clandestinely induced. There are in fact two ways in which this can be accomplished. The easiest is via Methamphetamine overintoxication - and it only takes five to seven days of continuing drugging to accomplish that. If the dose is low enough, the subject will not realize that his sudden increase in stress & anxiety is due to external manipulations, (See the chapter on experiments with Nazi concentration camp inmates with Mescaline in John Marks aforementioned book). A more "modern" way to induce a psychosis is to subject the subject to microwaves in the 2.7 GHZ - 15 GHZ range. One such a device, which I am currently in the process of putting together utilizes a so-called audio-band pink noise generator which generates a low-frequency white noise signal. This low-frequency white noise signal is modulated on a high-frequency generator, sent over a Haan high-frequency gunn diode (MA41500 gunn diode does the job) and exits via an antenna Feedhorn Assy. The entire device is no bigger than a small cigar box and can easily be hidden under the target's bed so that it SILENTLY disrupts his sleep. Microwave induced stress is cumulative and it may take several weeks to induce the psychosis where the individual is at the stage that he can no longer resist the subliminal and psychological trickery which is then necessary to induce him to commit the assassination.

Back to Sirhan : Once he had reached the "desired" stage of the psychosis, the "thoughts" which came to his mind while sitting in front of his mirror are clearly reflected in what - by continuing to carry out the practices of the Rosecrucians - he wrote into his notebook, i.e., that "R.F.K. must be assassinated, assassinated, assassinated, asassinated... etcetera.

All I'm saying here is that due to the other evidence of the crime scene, i.e., the fact that Robert F. Kennedy was shot from behind while Sirhan stood in front of him (as the autopsy proves) I believe that these "thoughts" were not Sirhan's own but rather subliminally induced. (ultrasound, infrasound, etcetera : If, as John Marks believes, the "MK" in "MK-ULTRA" stands for "Mind Kontrol", does the ULTRA stand for ULTRASOUND ??? -- Some food for thought !)

Just like any other technologies, the technique was clandestinely improved upon. While in Sirhan Sirhan's case some human contact was necessary between his manipulators and the subject to trick him into practicing the Rosecrucian rituals, in Chapman's case no such give-away contact was necessary anymore as the same trick was accomplished by manipulating Chapman to sit in his room and while in a psychotic state of mind prepeatedly chant "THE CATCHER IN THE RYE SAYS JOHN LENNON MUST DIE !" (In other words, Chapman may have received repeated subliminal messages to chant this).

Just like writing the assassination message into his notebook, chanting it repeatedly also tricks a subject suffering from the advanced stages of an artificially induced model psychosis into psyching himself up. => This then eventually results in the assassination !

We should also keep in mind here that such subliminal devices need not be bigger than a small ghetto-blaster, stereo-walkman or pocket radio to which an individual in an advanced psychotic state of mind will exhibit a much greater reaction than a person in a "normal" state of mind. These devices can be clandestinely hidden in the objects of his or her surroundings (i.e., the walls, under the bed, etcetera - this is classical spy-stuff)

So, now that I have spilled the beans for all you curious internet browsers, aren't you curious how I figured it all out ???

Here is a list of articles, books and sources on John Lennon's assassination:

"DESCENT INTO MADNESS, The Life and Crime of Mark David Chapman" article by James R. Gaines in the weekly People Magazine, June 22nd, 1981

Article on Mark Chapman & Lennon shooting in People magazine, by James R. Gaines, February 1987 (Part I of a three-part series)

"In The Shadows A Killer Waited", article by James R. Gaines in the weekly People Magazine, March 2, 1987, Part II of a three part series with additional reporting by Gay Daly

"The Killer Takes His Fall", subtitle : "With A 'Command From God', The Lennon Murder Case Is Closed", article in People Magazine by James R. Gaines with additional reporting by Gay Daly, Part III of a three part series, March 9, 1987

Articles on FBI's plan to make David Koresh believe he was hearing "the voice of God", as "played" by actor Charles Heston :

"Soon, Phasers On Stun", article by John Barry and Tom Morgenthau in Newsweek Magazine, Volume CXXIII, No., 06, February 7, 1994, pages 26-28.

as well as :

article in the Village Voice by Michael Drosnin, March 8, 1994, volume 39, page 18.

"So why, after all this, did I plead guilty and destroy my chance for a trial, maybe for an acquittal on grounds of insanity ? [...] It happened one day as I was sitting in my cell listening to rock music on the radio. God changed something in my heart and He spoke to my heart so that I could hear Him through all the sickness that was in my mind at that time. HE TOLD ME TWICE TO PLEAD GUILTY, AND FOR SOME REASON I DIDN'T QUESTION THAT. I was out of my mind and I wanted to go to that trial worse than anything in the world. That was my mission, to promote The Catcher In The Rye. So why would I plead guilty and just walk away from the best chance I would ever have to promote the book that had become my life [...] ? [...] I pled guilty because I recognized God's voice through all that -- through all the insanity and through a mind that was totally obsessed and centered on the promotion of this book. [...] it did not come to me on my own. [...] it was God that took away that desire to go to trial and fulfill my mission. My lawyer didn't want me to plead guilty. The psychiatrists didn't want me to plead guilty, and they tried to stop me from doing it. [...] At the sentencing, I was no longer with the Lord. I wasn't listening anymore. I carried The Catcher In The Rye in there and I FELT TERRIBLE THAT I HAD BLOWN THE TRIAL. So I read from The Catcher In The Rye instead of the bible. [END OF QUOTE]

The voice of God ? Piped through the radio, instead of through the telephone as the FBI had intended with David Koresh at the standoff in Waco, Texas ? Excuse me, but we know better, don't we, Mr. FBI deputy director of technical services Steven Killion, Dr. Igor Smirnov, Non-Lethal Weapons Expert Janet Morris, Ex-CIA officer Ray Cline and Attorney General Janet Reno (who all contemplated using such a device against David Koresh) ?!!!!


Sincerely, The Catcher of "The Catcher In The Rye"

Read the book called "Who Shot John Lennon?", can't remember the author's name, but a good bookshop will look it up.

The author asks a single question I've never heard anyone in the world ask, and it puts the whole case against the FBI to bed! He asked:-"When & where was Mark Chapman's trial?" "Maybe I wasn't paying attention for a couple of days, & it was pushed through real quick!" Look at the media circus that took place over O.J. Simpson's trial! Don't you think it would have been even bigger over John Lennon? Finally, even if you are caught red-handed, there must be a trial before imprisonment. Did they just want him out of the way as quickly as possible in case he said something he shouldn't have?

ANSWER : Mark Chapman was sitting in his prison cell, listening to the radio. Suddenly he "heard" the "voice of God", instructing him to plead guilty. He pled guilty and received a 20-years-to-life sentence. (Read all about this in the three part article series by James R. Gaines in People Weekly, February and March 1987 February) Look it up in the index at any public library.

Remember when, at the standoff, in Waco, Texas, the FBI wanted to use actor Charlton Heston to transmit "the voice of God" through the telephone, instructing Koresh to give himself up ? (See Newsweek Magazine article, "Soon Phasers On Stun",pages 26-28, February 7, 1994, by John Barry and Tom Morgenthau) So with Chapman, they did it through the radio. THE FBI IS THE CATCHER IN THE RYE ! THE FBI ASSASSINATED JOHN LENNON

Still not convinced ? Go back an read the Newsweek and Time magazine articles on the assassination of Mexican Presidential Candidate Colosio in April 1994. At first glance a lone gunman shoots Colosio. But what did the Mexican tabloit TV stations discover when they continued to replay the tape of the assassination ? Before Aburto (the assassin) shot Colosio, a security guard was clearing the way for him. Aburto stated that he was never planning to assassinate Colosio. He went to where Colosio was speaking, and suddenly a little voice from deep inside "came over him" which instructed him to shoot Colosio's feet. (See Washington Post, May 1, 1994) Shortly after the assassination, the chief of police, who had developed leads on other suspects was shot and killed by unidentified gunmen. The official conclusion of the Mexican government is that Colosio was assassinated as a result of a powerful conspiracy they've been unable to crack and bring to justice.

This article is not credited with the author's name on the web age where I found it. But the website is provided as its source:

 The last page of the novel The Catcher in the Rye. i.e. don't spill the beans or speak your mind or you could wind up with no one to talk to (that is, dead)

Jerome David Salinger was born in Manhattan, New York, in 1919 and died in 2010. His father, Sol Salinger, sold kosher cheese, and was from a Jewish family of Lithuanian descent, his father having been the rabbi for the Adath Jeshurun congregation in Louisville, Kentucky. His mother was an Irish Catholic.

"Catcher in the Rye had a profound impact on me-the idea that we all have lots of dreams that are slowly being chipped away as we grow up." - Judd Nelson, American actor, screenwriter, and producer (Judd Asher Nelson was born in Portland, Maine, the son of Merle (née Royte), a court mediator and former member of the Maine state legislature, and Leonard Nelson, a corporate lawyer. His family is Jewish, and his father was the first Jewish president of the Portland Symphony Orchestra).

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