Monday, 18 April 2016

Set the Mind Right

Q2. But where should our strongest emphasis be placed? Should it be on intensity of enquiry, formal practice or cultivating virtue?

Traktung Rinpoche: [laughing very hard for a long time] First look and see where it is placed. You ask as if these are the only two options in your life, and I wish they were, but YY.. The truth is that entertainment, designed by a market driven society, designed to numb you and make you forget the preciousness of human birth and its true meaning, is almost everyone's main emphasis. After this there is the search for love, pleasure, security, status. The mind is full of contradictions, it is full of desperate concerns that cause it to become weak and have no real focus. If your only emphasis was one of the two above there would already be no contradictions in your mind, no question, and you would be a profound person indeed.

Contradictions in the mind and the ability to lie to ourselves about our real interests and use of our life is the murderer of spiritual life. Rare are those who burn with the sincerity necessary to deeply engage the path and come to the result.

Q1. Why do we not come to the result?

Traktung Rinpoche: Because your life is filled with contradictions. Your life is filled with mechanical aims and drives which have never been inspected and disciplined. What is most virtuous is a mind silent and free. Such a mind free of the noise of unruliness is a storehouse and wellspring of benefit for all beings. Earlier your friend mentioned that I have started projects that bring social aide. This is true but I have no sense of having started them. The energy which starts them simply wells up as responsiveness, the natural responsiveness of compassion which is the luminosity of awareness. I never leave my stronghold of vast open empty spaciousness. I never do anything at all. Ever.

Leaving well enough alone, not altering the natural flow of things, there is an extreme profound flow of love, affection and compassion B I call this tender heartedness. It is the energy of unborn awareness. This is beyond the realm of any religion, nationality or peoples. It is the end which all religion seeks. It is the natural state where beauty and goodness prevail. Having seen through the illusion of making choices between contradictions all has become settled for me and action flows spontaneously from purity. This type of action benefits without ever making even the slightest conception it is powerful, pure and free it is the solution to all the worlds problems.

Q2. But you say the world's problems come to an end but the world is full of problems!

Traktung Rinpoche: Your world is full of problems. The world belongs to you not me. You live in the world I do not. You separate appearance and mind and so you are filled with contradictions. Set your mind right and your world will follow it cannot do otherwise. Being, world and its inhabitants all arise co‑emergently as a single whole of wisdom or confusion. Certainly the only final and quickest way to set the world right is to set your mind right and the way to do this is engage wholeheartedly in dharma's practice.

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