Wednesday, 13 April 2016


“I’ve spent the last 20 years working specifically on technology issues, etcetera. So I’m always keeping an eye on these things. Facebook is a monster! It is the single largest repository of information about people’s lives in the world today. There’s nothing larger...Here’s the thing: the internet is a human an attempt by the people of the world to really communicate. I’m not just talking about communication in a superficial way or within the limitations of letters or other forms of communication that we’ve had here before. This is communication where you can really share your life with the rest of the human race. And not only share your life but you can plan work, do whatever you need to do to improve your life. I mean we can go to your website, for example, and you know, get all this information...and whatever stuff is being worked on at a particular time to make our lives somewhat better. And we can also organise, etc. So that’s what draws people to Facebook is the possibility of having that kind of communication. Our governments are run by extremely unscrupulous human beings who exploit that. And they’ve exploited it to get information and to control people. And this is one such case. It’s clearly an experiment in control. Clearly an experiment in control.” – Alfredo Lopez (The Jeff Rense Program, 2 July 2014).

Apparently, Mark Zuckerberg co-founded the social-networking website Facebook with his college roommates in New York on 4 February 2004 at the age of 19. An article in The Guardian claims that he "dreamed up a multi-billion-dollar company while still a teenager."No he did not. He was chosen by the Jewish Elite to be its figurehead. Either they created it themselves and/or stole it from truly innovative people and covered their tracks. And, by 'steal,' I am including the idea that they could easily have paid the originators to keep quiet about the actual conception of this social networking site. "Facebook is not just any corporation," writes Carole Cadwalladr. "It is a surveillance machine." (19 February 2017). Question: Why is The Guardian criticising the corporate Elite they have been appointed to 'guard'? Answer: They need to be seen attacking mega corporations while scaring us with some home truths about their power and intentions? This long-winded article is a simple case of Doublestink.

I have used the social networking sites MySpace (before it was murdered and then used as a music-sharing website) and tumblr for sharing images, music, poetry and snippets of wisdom and information about the Global Elite and their corrupt agenda because, being 'arty,' I have found it to be a relaxing diversion from writing and researching. This is true of pictures in particular sine I am very visual. I found this to be a creative way to engage and feel emotionally whilst being stuck at home working on a computer all day.

I had some cool goth friends on MySpace in the early days but most of them either didn't last long or gradually lost interest in the site much to my chagrin. For people like me, MySpace offered a healthy balance between sharing art on people's walls and interacting through the efficient message centre which was much more like sending emails than it is on either Facebook or tumblr. Another wonderful thing about MySpace in the good old days is that many people, mostly in America, granted, with a passion for something or someone poured much time and energy into embodying their spirit. That, for me, is what gave the place so much character. People were able to develop their profile to represent themselves and/or their interests.

The drawback with mixing creative or truth-loving people with 'everyone else' is that some people are bent on destroying truth and beauty. Or else they feel insecure about their own creations and seek to pull others down in envy or denial that they are actually attacking better quality in order to justify their own status. A number of good friends on MySpace were deleted as a result of phony, exaggerated or blatantly vindictive reports to their admin whose policy appeared to be that of believing and acting on any such bullshit. This has happened to a few creative friends on Facebook as well although usually it is a case of suspension for a certain period of time, which has also happened to me once or twice. Clearly, these people are too cool or creative for the fakes and jealous or self-righteous types.

Much valuable information is shared each day on Facebook. It's like David Icke on speed. As is disinformation, in which the Elite have invested a fortune. They rely on the corporate consensus to lure people into believing their lies. I have observed that males who are active on Facebook tend to be those who are either rationalistic or rhetorical and like to rant. Or they prefer to learn through other people instead of doing their own research. On the surface, this method of gathering information appears to save time and energy which is tempting particularly if one has a full-time job. I would say that the same goes for females too except that they are often attracted to the more emotional opportunity to share pictures, comments and status updates with friends and family.

The general population is generally so brainwashed and therefore biased towards their rulers. Democracy has been hijacked so that the majority identifies with the will of their masters. In other words, it has become a sophisticated form of slavery. It is highly unlikely that Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg. Surely it is the case that he's a relative of some corporate Zionist and was chosen to be the face (and fall guy if you will) for this mind control op. Just like someone who runs a strip joint in Chicago or L.A. while the mob who really own it hide in the shadows and continue to engage in organised crime in relative anonymity.

In 2010, only months before I lost over a thousand friends overnight in the MySpace 'Holocaust,' I created an account on Facebook purely in order to promote my new website and future books. I then found that, since alternatives to MySpace didn't work for me due to the narrow membership (mostly hardcore posters one might surmise), I, like others, had become penned into Facebook like sheep. After engaging in various groups, tagging friends in pictures and posting countless items on my spiritual group page, music page and two blog pages (Monstaville and The Powerlessness of Now which I have been using to share political posts for a couple of years), I reduced the amount of time I engaged with others on Facebook. This decision was aided by the switch to the new version of Facebook in 2013/14. Suddenly, very few friends were seeing my posts and they were mostly from my geographic locality. In one sense, this was a welcome relief and woke me up. It just seemed a shame that I was losing touch with some creative and interesting people in the States.

All of these sites are potentially addictive depending on one's subconscious investment. Facebook, however, is capable of bombarding people with notifications until, if they're not careful, they are at their mercy.

I already avoided the NewsFeed from day one. Not only did it again narrow the sphere of activity down to a relatively small number of friends, it also gobbled up my time. I can't even imagine what it would be like if all of my friends' posts showed up there since I have over a thousand there as well (steadily decreasing all the time in fact. Haha). One was expected to actively switch on the notifications for a particular friend if one wished to see their posts. And then one sees everything (all the time!). Yawn. I didn't even know that for ages. Lucky for me.

I heard, at some point, that Facebook is a CIA operation or that Facebook has an agreement where a copy of all of the information shared is passed on to an intelligence agency in America. I have not come across an article that verifies this accusation yet. I haven't looked, mind, and I don't know where the anti-Facebook crew hangs out on Facebook (assuming there is one)!

One also hears that Facebook owns the copyright to absolutely every word shared there unless it has been published elsewhere first. This is not true. It is merely a popular belief that started as a rumour. The authorities are known to have used the social networking service to chase criminals. Unfortunately, however, they have also used it to criminalise young people by picking up on rumours and false, vindictive reports since, apparently, the law now extends to people's minds where their thoughts happen to be duplicated in conversation on the internet.

On the surface, Facebook acts as a sort of magnifying glass that ultimately works in the Elite's favour. It magnifies the human condition which the Elite do everything in their power to stultify. They are in possession of extraterrestrial technology that enables them to perceive and manipulate frequencies in the collective consciousness on this planet. They also have software that links this sinister technology with Facebook and all websites on the internet. Facebook is the Illuminati's primary source of disturbance on the internet. They ramp up the negative energy which then surfaces wherever it can. They employ HAARP microwave technology, which they've had since the sixties, to achieve the same results outside of the internet. The criminal cabal's minions monitor all of this in Israel, which is why some individuals in the truth movement have traced the ISPs of their protagonists to that country. Please bear this information in mind when you use Facebook and understand that most of the negativity you may encounter is generated in this manner even among close friends and family members. There is a battle for your mind in progress. So be mindful of this throughout your internet activity.

In other words, the 'Illuminati' have been provided with technology from dark ET collectives from other worlds, both in this and other galaxies, that enables their Satanic network to keep humanity down without having to hunt for or focus on specific individuals until they attract a large following. Once that happens, they target the person in question and the Jewish mafia in that country are given a contract to assassinate them which the forces of Light then endeavour to counteract.

As part of this web of control, Facebook has developed facial recognition technology to such a degree now that they can derive a great deal of information about a person without even having a direct portrait photo. Their database is reported to be so extensive that sufficient information can be collated through friends' photos and posts too as well as other, more inconspicuous shots. The autotag feature nearly always tags the wrong person, which is always true if the photo is of a celebrity, living or dead. People's privacy is at stake if they are easily identifiable in this way. Say goodbye to anonymity, as Alvaro Bedoya of the Georgetown University Law Center notes, this being a major Illuminati institution. In addition to this, the criminals who are bent on controlling humanity have access to the major webmail facilities which means that they are able to derive information about the majority of Facebook users if they so wish. So it is a good idea not to use your primary email address.

Facebook is a very convenient tool for meeting new people from various parts of the country, world even, and staying in touch with friends and family. This includes many people whom one would not have had any time for whatsoever in the pre-Facebook days. It can be difficult for people with little self-control or those who feel stressed or emotional to avoid conflict. Feelings that one might otherwise vent in the bath or to a close friend or relative, or a cow in a field, are now likely to be splattered all over Facebook which represents the internet in its entirety for a lot of people.

One thing that is on offer is the temptation to say things that one would not say directly to people's faces. There are many and varied special interest forums online for people who have extensive knowledge and interesting ideas and opinions to share. Facebook has co-opted a portion of that sphere of online activity thereby curtailing the information to some degree. Alas, the flow of chatter, even in the form of intelligent political debate, elicits emotional responses that may also erupt and stir up trouble in people's lives owing predominantly to the abovementioned technology that is way more advanced than anything that we have been informed about. In view of this, be wary of being pulled into arguments anywhere on the internet. Conserve your energy for creative and constructive outlets.

The site relies on the prospect of reaction and it is exactly that which keeps people dependent on external forces which diminish their identity to that of the physical ego/personality. This also means that it relies on Jeremy Kyle candidates to contribute to the energy pool through trivial, banal or meaningless content. Even the more positive, creative and informative posts and comments feed the dark entities that ultimately oversee and control Facebook as well. This applies to tumblr too now which they bought from its originator in 2015 through Yahoo owing to its popularity. The same goes for many other mainstream sites since they rely on big nets - such as religion, the media, science and the education system - with which to catch as many people's minds as possible. They are unable to express or produce positive, creative energy by themselves so they draw upon input from individuals who do and who engage with their System.

Then there is the commercial side of Facebook which also offers to promote business pages for a fee in order to reach a wider audience. But then, as with all capitalist ventures, money makes money. Another little earner is a deal between Facebook and Kaspersky whereby selected Facebook users are hit with an error message telling them they cannot be logged in because they have malware on their computer. This is completely false. If the person scans their computer using a different scanner they will find that it is not infected at all. Since there is no way to contact Facebook to resolve the issue one is forced to click a link presented on the page to accept the download of a temporary module which scans one’s computer for malware. All they are interested in, however, is hoodwinking the person to click the OK button without unchecking the free trial offer for Kapersky’s antivirus and internet security software. One is then allowed to complete the log-in because, basically, there is no malware is there? They target young people who are likely to be more responsive to such a devious tactic. The person cannot stop, pause or delete the download while it's running. They can only see it in the downloads folder. Once it's scanned for malware the person receives a notification on Facebook informing them that "the Kapersky Malware Scanner has finished." The message then says, "Check the Results." However, when they click the link they're taken to Facebook's 'Sorry, this page isn't available' page. What a massive scam giving this company access to millions and millions of potential customers. These companies are all in it together, sharing the loot and taking us for a ride. This is an invasion. And that's the story of the Facebook-Kapersky Scammer!

I was in a Holocaust Revisionism group that was shut down purely because members like myself were asking intelligent questions and finding alarming answers. I have also seen the word 'Holocaust' automatically highlighted or crossed out in a post by Facebook. Mostly, however, I got booted out of the groups in which I chose to actively participate because I tend to speak the truth, which is none to familar to the majority of people.

So, anyway, after I was kicked out of a local group on Facebook, I decided to create my own secret group for people who live locally and felt alienated or outcast, some of whom had also been deleted from local groups. Alas, it did not go too well because it was generally only me posting stuff and the group quickly developed into a daily cascade of images from my mammoth collection.

Since I had contemplated closing the group from day one I pinned this 'Sorry we're dead' tag to the top. Unable to commit murder in this sense, I opened it up by inviting lots of creative and interesting people from my friend list. Yet, I found that engagement was still quite low and actual posting quite rare. By this time, however, I had a black background and was saying I wasn't even on Facebook as I was mainly using it like the old MySpace and just sharing stuff that I had or came across that I thought was cool and relevant, including gifs when they started to work on Facebook, mainly from tumblr posts. Everyone else, of course, had notifications switched on and were sharing a lot more than that, including videos, which I seldom came across myself.

The group had become my main 'wall' in other words. The numbers crept up towards 300 and had fallen back down to 276 by the time I finally deleted it. I was about to upload some of the gifs in my image collection to tumblr to share on Facebook when I discovered that we are aiding the Elite in their agenda to control and keep us oppressed. So that was that.

Below are the description and text of my pinned notice during the final week that my group existed.


Brazenly embracing the quirky and eccentric side of life through art, humour, music and wisdom. So nothing too ugly, brutal, worldly, intellectual or male. lol

CM Secret Society (humour being the principal virtue here). Founded 27 March 2014.

“I don't care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.” – Groucho Marx, quoted in The Groucho Letters (1967) by Arthur Sheekman.

"And then I remembered some of us no longer belong anywhere but all outlaws are welcome in Fuckoffshire!"

WARNING: May contain traces of conformity!


CM Closure Notice

I'm closing this group at the end of the week. It has served a purpose and it's been on my mind lately that there's a good reason why I have avoided the normal side of facebook for so long. It's an Illuminati psyops operation which means that we are plugging ourselves into their shitstem. Meanwhile, the criminals controlling our world draw on our positive energy input. It's been set up using lord knows what black magic rituals!

And btw Lucifer simply refers to the dark ET collectives, not what I said in here. I knew that already but had two ideas in my head for a while and one was incorrect. But even their minions believe it refers to a fallen angel or whatever. There is however, another group of beings who do allow humans on earth to choose the lower will which is derived from physical identification and separation.

When I switched my laptop on this evening there were 93 notifications and they wouldn't all load. Yeah 93. Haha.

On impulse, about a week ago, I turned on some friends' notifications and realised just how shit facebook is. Some cool stuff being shared, don't get me wrong. But it surprised me how some friends whom I admire post a lot of rubbish all day too! But anyway I've always known that I'm not one of those people who enjoy sharing so many words in this place. I have blogs and a website for that. And they're permanent, not gone in the blink of an eye like posts here.

So, I've realised that the little hiccup here recently was a sign to finally kill this pretty carcass off for good. Another work of art down the drain. Haha. I thought it polite to give you a bit of notice so you didn't just wonder where the fuck the chocolate monorail disappeared to. Stay dead! Peace x

Jeff Rense & Neil Sanders - Facebook Mind Control

Facebook & Mass Mind Control - Alfredo Lopez

 Facebook Television Mind Control Explained Awakening Ambassador Facebook

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